xguerin / ocaml-fswatch

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Bindings for the fswatch library


The API of fswatch is not so convenient. If you start_monitor on a handle, the function will not return until stop_monitor is called. But since we are blocking on the function, we can only stop it being inside the callback function associated with the handle.

Hence, to integrate with other event loop, e.g. Lwt or Async, is not straightforward. The Lwt extension of this binding invokes start_monitor in a new thread and then invoke the very callback function in the Lwt main thread to make sure the fswatch event loop working in another thread will not mess up the main Lwt thread.


open Fswatch

let callback events=
  Printf.printf "events:\n";
  Array.iter (fun event->
    let time= Unix.localtime event.Event.time in
    Printf.printf "  %s %d:%d:%d\n"
      time.tm_hour time.tm_min time.tm_sec)
  flush stdout

let ()=
  match init_library () with
  | Status.FSW_OK->
    let handle= init_session Monitor.System_default callback in
    add_path handle "/tmp/";
    start_monitor handle
  | err-> Printf.eprintf "%s\n" (Status.t_to_string err)

lwt example

open Fswatch
open Lwt

let rec listen msgBox=
  Lwt_mvar.take msgBox >>= fun events->
  Printf.printf "events:\n";
  Array.iter (fun event->
    let time= Unix.localtime event.Event.time in
    Printf.printf "  %s %d:%d:%d\n"
      time.tm_hour time.tm_min time.tm_sec)
  flush stdout;
  listen msgBox

let main ()=
  match init_library () with
  | Status.FSW_OK->
    let handle, msgBox= Fswatch_lwt.init_session Monitor.System_default in
    add_path handle "/tmp/";
    async (Fswatch_lwt.start_monitor handle);
    listen msgBox
  | err-> Lwt_io.eprintf "%s\n" (Status.t_to_string err)

let ()=
  Lwt_main.run @@ main ()



Language:OCaml 69.5%Language:C 27.3%Language:Makefile 3.1%