xfumihiro / chartjs-plugin-dragdata

Draggable data points plugin for Chart.js

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A plugin for Chart.js >= 2.4.0

Makes data points draggable. Supports touch events.

Drag Data Animation

Online demos

Chart Type Demo Source
Bar - Simple Bar demo source
Bubble - Simple Bubble demo source
Horizontal Bar - Simple Horizontal Bar demo source
Line - Single Y-Axis demo source
Line - Dual Y-Axis demo source
Line - Drag multiple points demo source
Line - Small demo source
Line - React Fiddle demo source
Line - Drag x-, and y-axis (scatter chart) demo source
Line - Zoom, Pan, and drag data points (combination with chartjs-plugin-zoom demo source
Mixed - Bar, Bubble, and line Chart demo source
Radar - Simple Radar demo source
Stacked Bar - Simple Stacked Bar demo source
Stacked Horizontal Bar - Simple Stacked Horizontal Bar demo source

Click here to learn how to use this plugin in an Observable.



npm install chartjs-plugin-dragdata


In browsers, you may use the following script tag:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/chartjs-plugin-dragdata@latest/dist/chartjs-plugin-dragdata.min.js"></script>

Or, download a release archive file from the dist folder.


To make (line, bubble, bar and radar chart) data points draggable, simply add dragData: true to the config section of the chart instance. If you (additionally to the y-axis) would like to drag data along the x-axis, you may also add dragX: true.

To round the values dragged to, simply add dragDataRound: 0 to the config section of the chart instance.

  • 0 will round to ..., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ...
  • 1 will round to ..., -0.2, -0.1, 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, ...
  • -1 will round to ..., -20, -10, 0, 10, 20, ...

The following example configuration shows how individual event listeners (callbacks) can be configured.

const myChartOptions = {
  type: 'line', // or radar, bar, horizontalBar, bubble
  data: {...}, 
  options: {
    ... // the rest of your chart options, e.g. axis configuration
    dragData: true,
    dragX: false,
    dragDataRound: 0, // round to full integers (0 decimals)
    dragOptions: {
      // magnet: { // enable to stop dragging after a certain value
      //   to: Math.round
      // },
      showTooltip: true // Recommended. This will show the tooltip while the user 
      // drags the datapoint
    onDragStart: function (e, element) {
      // where e = event
    onDrag: function (e, datasetIndex, index, value) {
      // change cursor style to grabbing during drag action
      e.target.style.cursor = 'grabbing'
      // where e = event
    onDragEnd: function (e, datasetIndex, index, value) {
      // restore default cursor style upon drag release
      e.target.style.cursor = 'default'
      // where e = event
    hover: {
      onHover: function(e) {
        // indicate that a datapoint is draggable by showing the 'grab' cursor when hovered
        const point = this.getElementAtEvent(e)
        if (point.length) e.target.style.cursor = 'grab'
        else e.target.style.cursor = 'default'

Minimum and maximum allowed data values can be specified through the min and max ticks settings in the scales options. By setting these values accordingly, unexpected (fast) changes to the scales, that may occur when dragging data points towards the outer boundaries of the y-axis, can be prohibited.

const myChartOptions = {
  type: 'line', // or radar, bar, horizontalBar, bubble
  data: {...}, 
  options: {
    dragData: true,
    scales: {
      yAxes: [{
        ticks: {
          max: 25,
          min: 0
    ... // the remainder of your chart options, e.g. dragData: true etc.

To avoid dragging specific datasets, you can set dragData to false within the dataset options.

const myChartOptions = {
  type: 'line', // or radar, bar, horizontalBar, bubble
  data: {
    datasets: [
        label: "Data Label",
        fill: false,
        data: dataPoints,
        yAxisID: 'B',
        dragData: false
      }, {
  options: {
    dragData: true,
    ... // the remainder of your chart options

To avoid dragging specific scales, you can set dragData to false within the axis scale options.

const myChartOptions = {
  type: 'line', // or radar, bar, horizontalBar, bubble
  data: {...}, 
  options: {
    dragData: true,
    scales: {
      yAxes: [{
        dragData: false
    ... // the remainder of your chart options

To avoid dragging specific data points inside a draggable dataset, you can return false to function onDragStart.

To disable the automatic update of the data, you can return false to function onDrag. Nothing will happen to the points without you changing the data attribute somewhere else. This is useful for frameworks like emberjs who us the data down action up paradigm.

Apply magnet

When you drag a point you might want to stop dragging at the closest (rounded) value, or at a fixed value. In order to do that, specify magnet options you can easily do it:

const myChartOptions = {
  type: 'line', // or radar, bar, horizontalBar, bubble
  data: {...}, 
  options: {
    dragOptions: {
	     magnet: {
   		    to: Math.round // to: (value) => value + 5
    ... // the remainder of your chart options

Touch devices

In order to support touch events, the pointHitRadius option should be set to a value greater than 25. You can find working example configurations in the docs/*.html files. Also note, that mobile devices (and thus touch events) can be simulated with the device mode in the Chrome DevTools.


When working with a module bundler (e.g. Webpack) and a framework (e.g. Vue.js/React/Angular), you still need to import the plugin library after installing. Here's a small example for a Vue.js component

    <canvas id="chart"></canvas>
import Chart from 'chart.js'
// load the options file externally for better readability of the component.
// In the chartOptions object, make sure to add "dragData: true" etc.
import chartOptions from '~/assets/js/labour.js'
import 'chartjs-plugin-dragdata'

export default {
  data() {
    return {
  mounted() {
    this.createChart('chart', this.chartOptions)
  methods: {
    createChart(chartId, chartData) {
      const ctx = document.getElementById(chartId)
      const myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
        type: chartData.type,
        data: chartData.data,
        options: chartData.options,


Please feel free to submit an issue or a pull request! If you make changes to the src/index.js file, don't forget to npm run build and manually test your changes against all demos in the docs folder.


chartjs-plugin-dragdata.js is available under the MIT license.


Draggable data points plugin for Chart.js

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%