xflash96 / gitolite-sshkey-form

A web app for submitting ssh public keys directly to gitolite

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Gitolite-sshkey-form is a simple web app that allows users to submit their ssh public keys directly to gitolite. While this can simplify public key distribution, an administrator still has to give users access rights through gitolite-admin.conf.

Gitolite-sshkey-form can also link a gitolite alias (eg. johndoe) to a git identity (eg. John Doe <jdoe@email>). This makes it possible to implement ad-hoc authentication for git repositories, since gitolite is concerned only with authorization.


Without any public keys With two public keys Activity log

Simple Authentication

The update.authenticate.sh hook can be used to authenticate users that gitolite has authorized. Once a user has associated their alias (eg. johndoe) with an identity (eg. John Doe <jdoe@email>) the hook will compare that identity against the committer field of all commit object that the user is attempting to push. In pseudo-code:

identity  = <fetch gitolite-sshkey-form/get-identity/johndoe>
revisions = <list of revisions that we're trying to push>

for revision in revisions:
    committer = <get committer for revision>
    if identity is not committer: complain()

If you wish to disable this functionality, set ENABLE_IDENTITIES to False in the configuration file. This would remove the /set-identity, /get-identity paths, as well as the identity text input from the index view.

Since gitolite-sshkey-form needs a REMOTE_USER to be set by your application server, you most likely already have a better service against which commits can be authenticated (some form of centralized authentication). The described functionality might be useful if your authentication backend does not contain all the necessary information (full name, email) or in cases where it is easier to manage your git identities separately.


In the following setup, gitolite-sshkey-form will run as the gitolite-sshkey-form user. This user will have RW access to the gitolite-admin repository. The webapp and all its dependencies will be installed in a virtual environment in the user's home directory.

  1. Create and become user gitolite-sshkey-form:
$ sudo useradd -r -m -b /var/lib/ -s /bin/bash -- gitolite-sshkey-form
$ sudo -u gitolite-sshkey-form -i
  1. Create a ssh keypair with an empty passphrase:
$ ssh-keygen -q -N ''
  1. Add the ssh key fingerprint of your gitolite server to ~/ssh/.known_hosts:
# simply accept the fingerprint (no need to login)
$ ssh gitolite@git.yourdomain.com
  1. Give the gitolite-sshkey-form user access to the gitolite-admin repo:
# copy .ssh/id_rsa.pub to gitolite-admin/keydir/gitolite-sshkey-form.pub

# edit gitolite-admin/conf/gitolite.conf

# give gitolite-sshkey-form RW+ access to the gitolite-admin repo
# repo    gitolite-admin
#         RW+ = [... list of users ...] gitolite-sshkey-form

# once you have pushed your changes to gitolite, verify
# gitolite-sshkey-form's permissions

$ ssh gitolite@git.yourdomain.com info | grep gitolite-admin
    R   W     gitolite-admin
  1. Create a virtual environment:
$ virtualenv --no-site-packages ~/venv
  1. Install gitolite-sshkey-form from pypi (stable version) or github (development):
$ ~/venv/bin/pip install gitolite-sshkey-form # stable
$ ~/venv/bin/pip install git+git://github.com/gvalkov/gitolite-sshkey-form # development
  1. Configure gitolite-sshkey-form:
# download the annotated config file
$ wget https://raw.github.com/gvalkov/gitolite-sshkey-form/master/etc/config.py

# and modify according to fit your environment
$ editor config.py
  1. Configure application server (apache + mod_wsgi):
# download example wsgi file
$ wget https://raw.github.com/gvalkov/gitolite-sshkey-form/HEAD/etc/websshkey.wsgi
$ editor websshkey.py

# set the path to the config file:
# environ['WEBSSHKEY_HELPER_CONFIG'] = '/var/lib/gitolite-sshkey-form/config.py'

# set the path to the bin/activate_this.py file in your virtual environment
# activate_py = '/var/lib/gitolite-sshkey-form/venv/bin/activate_this.py'

$ wget https://raw.github.com/gvalkov/gitolite-sshkey-form/HEAD/etc/httpd.conf

The httpd.conf file contains an example virtual host configuration running with mod_wsgi. You would most certainly need to configure some sort of authentication (anything that sets a REMOTE_USER).

Setup - Simple Authentication

  1. Enable gitolite update hook chaining:
$ cd /path/to/gitolite/hooks/common

$ cp update.secondary.sample update.secondary
$ chmod +x update.secondary

$ mkdir update.secondary.d
$ sudo -u gitolite gl-setup

Gitolite will add symbolic links to update.secondary.d and update.secondary in the hooks directory of every repository that it oversees.

  1. Copy the update.authenticate.sh script to ./update.secondary.d:
$ wget -P ./update.secondary.d/ http://raw.github.com/gvalkov/gitolite-sshkey-form/blob/master/etc/update.authenticate.sh

# set 'get_identity_url' in update.authentication.sh
$ editor ./update.secondary.d/update.authentication.sh


Files of potential interest:

Random notes:

  • Use the test-run.py script to run locally (it also sets a REMOTE_USER for you, since nearly all handlers rely on that being set)
  • The styling of the app is intertwined between the main stylesheet and the jquery-ui css.


For testing, gitolite-sshkey-form uses the excellent py.test framework. To install testing dependencies and run all tests:

$ pip install py.test
$ py.test tests

To run individual tests:

$ py.test tests/test_$name.py


  • Setting up gitolite-sshkey-form is currently overkill for most small teams that just want to quickly gather keys. A standalone script that serves the webapp and works without an authentication backend (everybody can select whatever alias they choose) would be nice.
  • The templates and css ended up being a real mess. I suppose they're in need of some attention (I'm not really a web developer of any kind).
  • Better loading/working indicator.


Gitolite-sshkey-form is released under the terms of the New BSD License.


A web app for submitting ssh public keys directly to gitolite



Language:Python 50.3%Language:CSS 25.5%Language:HTML 10.0%Language:JavaScript 8.0%Language:Shell 3.9%Language:ApacheConf 2.3%