xferguson / HGrid

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HGrid.js is a Javascript-based hierarchical grid that can be used to manage and organize files and folders. It allows you to create custom filebrowser widgets that can support file uploads, asynchronous loading, search, and more.

Full documentation to come

Get it now

With bower

bower install hgrid

Manual download


Include jQuery and HGrid.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/hgrid.css" type="text/css" />

NOTE: The images directory should be in the same directory as hgrid.css.

<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/hgrid.min.js"></script>

You can also load HGrid as an AMD module with a module loader such as RequireJS. See this wiki page.


The input data is an array of objects with name, kind (either "folder" or "item"), and children properties. children is an array of objects of the same form.


var files = [
    {name: 'Documents', kind: 'folder',
    children: [
      {name: 'mydoc.txt', kind: 'item'},
    {name: 'Music', kind: 'folder',
    children: [
      {name: 'psycho-killer.mp3', kind: 'item'}

To create a new grid:

var myGrid = new HGrid('#myGrid', {data: files, width: 500, height: 200});

// Or, with jQuery
$('#myGrid').hgrid({data: files, width: 500, height: 200});

Loading Data From A Server

You can pass a URL to the data option to load JSON data from a server.

var myGrid = new HGrid('#myGrid', {
  data: '/get/my/data'

// You can also pass $.ajax options
var grid = new HGrid('#myGrid' {
  data: '/get/my/data',
  ajaxOptions: {
    success: function(data) {alert('Huzzah!');}

The ajaxOptions will be used for every request sent to the server.


You can lazily fetch folder contents from a server by specifying the fetchUrl option.

var grid = new HGrid('#myGrid', {
  data: '/grid/data/',  // Where to get the initial data
  fetchUrl: function(folder) {
    return '/grid/data/' + folder.name;

Rows and Columns

Using Predefined Column Schemas

HGrid comes with a few predefined column schemas.

  • HGrid.Col.Name: Included by default. Formats files and folders with proper indent, icon, and name field.
  • HGrid.Col.ActionButtons: Provides "Download" and "Delete" buttons for files and "Upload" button for folders.


var grid = new HGrid('#myGrid', {
  columns: [HGrid.Col.Name,

Modifying Predefined Column Schemas

// Customize the column header text
HGrid.Col.Name.text = "Item Name"
var grid = new HGrid('#myGrid', {
  columns: [HGrid.Col.Name]

Custom Column Schemas, Sorting

Column schemas are just objects that have--at a minimum--the following properties:

  • text: The text to show in the column header
  • folderView: Either a function that renders the HTML for a folder or a microtemplate.
  • itemView: Either a function that render the HTML for a file or a microtemplate.

To make a column sortable, provide sortable=true and a sortkey on which to sort the data.

NOTE: Column schemas can additionally take any Slickgrid column options.


// Custom column schemas
var myCustomNameColumn = {
  text: 'Name',
  folderView: '<div class="folder {{cssClass}}">{{ name }}</div?>' // Using a microtemplate
  itemView: '<div class="file {{cssClass}}">{{ name }}</div?>'
  sortable: true,
  sortkey: 'name', // property of item object on which to sort on
  indent: true  // Indent based on item depth

var filesizeColumn = {text: 'Filesize',
  // Using a function that receives `row` containing all the item information
  itemView: function(row) {return row.filesize.toString(); },
  folderView: function(row) {return '';} // Folders don't have a file size
  sortable: true, sortkey: 'size'

var grid = new HGrid('#myGrid', {
  columns: [myCustomNameColumn, filesizeColumn],

Additional schema options

  • indent: Either a boolean or number of pixels to indent each row. Number of indents will be calculated based on an item's depth.
  • showExpander: function(row, args): Boolean or function that returns a boolean whether to show the expander button or not.
  • isName: Boolean indicating whether the column is the name column.

Helper functions

  • HGrid.Fmt.withIndent(row, html, [indentWidth]): Adds an indenting span based on the a row's depth property.
  • HGrid.Fmt.asItem(row, html): Surrounds html with <div class="hg-item" data-id=123>
  • HGrid.Fmt.button(row, buttonDef): Render a button. A buttonDef is an Object that specifies how a button will be rendered. It may include the following properties: text (button's text), cssClass (a string, the CSS class to apply to the button), action (a registered HGrid action, e.g. 'download'), and/or attributes (string of additional HTML attributes, e.g. 'data-id="some-id"').
  • HGrid.Fmt.buttons(row, buttonDefs): Render a series of buttons. buttonDefs is an Array of button definition Objects.
  • HGrid.Fmt.tpl(template, data): Microtemplating function.



See examples/custom-buttons.html for an example with custom actions.

File management


var grid = new HGrid('#myGrid', {
  data: files,
  uploads: true,
  columns: [HGrid.Col.Name,
            HGrid.Col.ActionButtons]  // Provides file-related buttons
                                          // (Upload, Download, Delete)
  maxFilesize: 10,  // MB
  // Mimetypes or file extensions
  acceptedFiles: ['image/*', 'application/pdf', '.py'],
  uploadMethod: function(row) {
    return row.uploadMethod || 'post';
  // Can be a string or a function that returns where to send request for upload
  uploadUrl: function(row) {  // row => {id: 3, name: 'My bucket', kind: 'folder'}
    return 'files/' + row.id;
  uploadHeaders: {'My-Header': 'is awesome'},
  // Returns where to send request for deletion
  deleteUrl: function(row) {
    return 'files/' + row.id + '/remove';
  deleteMethod: 'delete',
  downloadUrl: function(row) {
    return 'download/' + row.name;

Callback Options

Event Callbacks

  • onClick: function(event, item): Called when the grid is clicked. If a cell is clicked, item will be the data object.
  • onAdd: function(item, grid)
  • onDragover: function(event, item)
  • onDragenter: function(event, item)
  • onDragleave: function(event, item)
  • onDrop: function(event, item)
  • onSort: function(event, column, args): Called whenever a column header is clicked to sort the grid.
  • onExpand: function(event, item)
  • onCollapse: function(event, item)

Asynchronous Loading of Data

  • fetchSuccess: function(newData, item): With lazy-loading enabled, called when data are successfully loaded from a server.
  • fetchError: function(error, item)

Upload-related Callbacks

  • uploadAdded: function(file, item, folder)

  • uploadProcessing function(file, item, folder): Called when a file in the upload queue begins processing.

  • uploadError: function(file, message, item, folder): Called when a file upload fails. By default, imputes the error message into any HTML element that has the data-upload-errormessage attribute.

  • uploadProgress: function(file, progress, bytesSent, item): Called whenever upload progress changes.

  • uploadSuccess: function(file, item, data): Called when an upload succeeds. item is the new grid item and data is the data returned from the server.

  • uploadComplete: function(file, item)

  • uploadSending: function(file, item, xhr, formData): Called just before an upload request is made.

  • uploadAccept: function(file, folder, done): Validation function that is run before a file gets uploaded. done is a function that, if called with a string argument, raises the error message, passes it to uploadError, and terminates the upload. If called with no arguments, the upload is allowed. For filetype and filesize checking, use the acceptedFiles and maxFilesize options.

  • preprocessFilename: function(filename): Pre-processing function for filenames added to the grid. Typically used for fielname sanitization (removing HTML tags, etc.).

    uploadAccept: function(file, folder, done) {
      if (file.name === 'muggle.jpg')
        done('No muggles allowed');

Permissions-related Callbacks

  • canUpload: function(folder): Returns a boolean whether to allow uploads to a folder.
  • uploadDenied: function(folder): Called when user tries to upload to a folder they don't have permission to, as determined by canUpload. NOTE: This gets called before a file gets added to the upload queue, whereas uploadAccept is called after a file is added to the queue.

Adding other listeners

The init option is useful for attaching additional listeners to the grid.

var grid = new HGrid('#myGrid', {
  data: files,
  init: function() {
    this.element.on('mycustomevent', function(event) {alert('custom event triggered')});

Other Options

  • width: The width of the grid in px
  • height: The height of the grid in px or "auto".
  • indent: Width to indent items in px. Defaults to 15px.


Styling the Grid

Default CSS Classes

  • hgrid
  • hg-item: Includes an item's indent spacer element, icon, and name
  • hg-btn
  • hg-folder
  • hg-file: Used in HGrid.Col.Name to render the file icon.
  • hg-toggle: Used in HGrid.Col.Name column to make an item toggle-able
  • hg-expand
  • hg-collapse
  • hg-row-highlight
  • hg-upload-processing
  • hg-upload-started: Added to a row after a file is added and upload has started
  • hg-upload-error: Added to a row if an error occurs during upload.

Overriding Slickgrid or Dropzone options

You can pass initial options to the Slickgrid or Dropzone constructors like so:

var grid = new HGrid('#myGrid', {
  data: files,
  dropzoneOptions: {
    parallelUploads: 5
  slickgridOptions: {
    editable: true

Accessing SlickGrid and DropZone objects directly

myGrid.grid // => The Slick.Grid object
myGrid.dropzone  // => The Dropzone object


Certain modules of SlickGrid are bundled with HGrid internally.


Hgrid depends on NodeJS for package management and Grunt for automation.

Getting started

To install all development dependencies needed for development, run

$ npm install
$ bower install

in the project root's root directory.


Run tests with grunt.

$ grunt

Tests are written using the QUnit framework.

Tests are located in tests/tests.js.


  • Bump version in bower.json
  • Bump version in package.json
  • Run grunt
  • Commit to dev
  • Merge to master
  • Create git tag
  • Push


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:JavaScript 94.3%Language:HTML 3.1%Language:CSS 2.6%