xeticode / webnative-elm

Thin wrapper around webnative for Elm. Cloned because we need to compile this project locally until they get in a fix for the change in their organization.

Home Page:https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/fission-suite/webnative-elm/latest/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Webnative Elm

Built by FISSION Discord Discourse

A thin wrapper around webnative for Elm.

Fission helps developers build and scale their apps. We’re building a web native file system that combines files, encryption, and identity, like an open source iCloud.


elm install fission-suite/webnative-elm

# requires webnative version 0.24 or later
npm install webnative
npm install webnative-elm

Setup the necessary ports on your Elm app.

port module Ports exposing (..)

import Webnative

port webnativeRequest : Webnative.Request -> Cmd msg
port webnativeResponse : (Webnative.Response -> msg) -> Sub msg

Then import the javascript portion of this library to connect up the ports.

import * as webnativeElm from "webnative-elm"

// elmApp = Elm.Main.init()
webnativeElm.setup({ app: elmApp })

Once we have that setup, we can write our webnative Elm code.

import Webnative exposing (Artifact(..), DecodedResponse(..))
import Webnative.Path as Path
import Wnfs


appPermissions : Webnative.AppPermissions
appPermissions =
  { creator = "Fission", name = "Example" }

permissions : Webnative.Permissions
permissions =
  { app = Just appPermissions, fs = Nothing }

init : (Model, Cmd Msg)
init =
  ( {}
  , permissions
      |> Webnative.init
      |> Ports.webnativeRequest
      -- πŸš€ We'll get a response in the `GotWebnativeResponse` msg


type Tag
  = ReadHelloTxt
  | Mutation
  | PointerUpdated

base : Wnfs.Base
base =
  Wnfs.AppData appPermissions


type Msg
  = GotWebnativeResponse Webnative.Response
  | ReadWnfsFile
  | WriteToWnfsFile

update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
  case msg of
    GotWebnativeResponse response ->
      case Webnative.decodeResponse tagFromString response of
        -- πŸš€
        Webnative ( Initialisation state ) ->
          if Webnative.isAuthenticated state then

        -- πŸ’Ύ
        Wnfs ReadHelloTxt ( Utf8Content helloContents ) ->
          -- Do something with content from hello.txt

        Wnfs Mutation _ ->
          ( model
          , { tag = PointerUpdated }
              |> Wnfs.publish
              |> Ports.webnativeRequest

        -- πŸ₯΅
        -- Do something with the errors,
        -- here we cast them to strings
        WebnativeError err -> Webnative.error err
        WnfsError err -> Wnfs.error err


    ReadWnfsFile ->
      { path = Path.file [ "hello.txt" ]
      , tag = tagToString ReadHelloTxt
        |> Wnfs.readUtf8 base
        |> Ports.webnativeRequest
        |> Tuple.pair model

    WriteToWnfsFile ->
        |> Wnfs.writeUtf8 base
          { path = Path.file [ "hello.txt" ]
          , tag = tagToString Mutation
        |> Ports.webnativeRequest
        |> Tuple.pair model

subscriptions : Sub Msg
subscriptions =
  Ports.webnativeResponse GotWebnativeResponse


tagToString : Tag -> String
tagToString tag =
  case tag of
    ReadHelloTxt -> "ReadHelloTxt"
    Mutation -> "Mutation"

tagFromString : String -> Result String Tag
tagFromString string =
  case string of
    "ReadHelloTxt" -> Ok ReadHelloTxt
    "Mutation" -> Ok Mutation
    _ -> Err "Invalid tag"

What's this tag thing?

You can chain webnative commands in Elm by providing a tag, which is then attached to the response. In the following example I have a custom type for my tags, which I then encode/decode to/from a string.

import Webnative exposing (DecodedResponse(..))
import Webnative.Path as Path
import Wnfs

type Tag = Mutation | PointerUpdated

-- Request
Wnfs.writeUtf8 base
  { path = Path.file [ "hello.txt" ]
  , tag = tagToString Mutation

-- Response
case Webnative.decodeResponse tagFromString response of
  Wnfs Mutation _ ->
    ( model
    , Ports.webnativeRequest (Wnfs.publish PointerUpdated)


We don't support all the functions from webnative yet.
For now you can do the following from Elm:

  • All WNFS interactions
  • Redirect to lobby
  • Leave / Sign out

More coming later.
Let us know if you have any requests.


Alternatively you can load the filesystem separately.
You may want to do this when working with a web worker.

import Webnative exposing (defaultInitOptions)

  { defaultInitOptions | loadFileSystem = False }

And then load it either in Elm or in javascript.

Webnative.loadFileSystem permissions
const fs = await webnative.loadFileSystem(permissions)
webnativeElm.setup({ app: elmApp, getFs: () => fs })


There's various customisation options:

  app: elmApp,
  portNames: {
    incoming: "webnativeRequest",
    outgoing: "webnativeResponse"
  webnative: require("webnative")


Thin wrapper around webnative for Elm. Cloned because we need to compile this project locally until they get in a fix for the change in their organization.


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Elm 76.4%Language:Nix 12.3%Language:JavaScript 9.9%Language:HTML 1.4%