xeb / goofybot

a Slackbot integration with GPT-3 from OpenAI just for fun

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


a Slackbot integration with GPT-3 from OpenAI just for fun

Installation & Usage

Get the dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Setup your credentials as environment variables

export SLACK_BOT_TOKEN="xoxb-xxxxx"
export SLACK_APP_TOKEN="xapp-1-xxxx"
export OPENAI_APP_TOKEN="sk-xxxxxx"

Be sure to enable Socket Mode, Events, add the right scopes, and subscribe to the right Events in Slack API control

Run the slackbot.py script

python slackbot.py

Then just mention your bot & ask questions!

Goofybot Example


a Slackbot integration with GPT-3 from OpenAI just for fun


Language:Python 100.0%