A community driven list of useful Intellij IDEA plugins, libraries and others.
- AnyBar
- Key promoter
- Key promoter X
- IdeaVim
- Tab Shifter
- AceJump - is a plugin for the IntelliJ Platform that lets you jump to any symbol in the editor with just a few keystrokes
- AltN8 - Open Alternate File: i.e. jump from source to test file, maven resource, html file, properties file, etc... configured using regular expressions.
- Codota - AI completions for your IDE
- Run Configuration as Action - Register all run configuration as actions.
- Custom Postfix Templates - This plugin lets you define your own postfix templates for Java, Scala, Kotlin, and JavaScript.
- Material theme
- FiraCode
- Rainbow Brackets / Rainbow Parentheses
- Nyan Progress Bar
- CodeGlance - Embeds a code minimap similar to the one found in Sublime into the editor pane
- Night Owl theme
- Youtrack - Intellij Idea plugin for integration with YouTrack bug tracker
- Toolbox App - Manage your products and projects in one place
- JetBrains Toolbox Chrome Extension - This extension adds link to open project from GitHub in IntelliJ-based IDEs
- Live-plugin - IntelliJ plugin for writing plugins at runtime