xcp-ng / xcp-ng-xapi-plugins

XCP-ng's specific XAPI plugins

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

XCP-ng xapi plugins

This repo hosts all the extra plugins installed in a XCP-ng host in /etc/xapi.d/plugins.

Return format

A plugin should respect this return format:

  • Success: return a string (can be empty) or a JSON string representing the result of the command given to the plugin
  • Error: raise a XenAPIPlugin.Failure describing the error, to do that: either raise the XenAPIPlugin.Failure exception directly or use error_wrapped from xcpngutils

XCP-ng ZFS pool list

A xapi plugin to discover ZFS pools present on the host.


$ xe host-call-plugin host-uuid=<uuid> plugin=zfs.py fn=list_zfs_pools
{"tank": {"setuid": "on", "relatime": "off", "referenced": "24K", "written": "24K", "zoned": "off", "primarycache": "all", "logbias": "latency", "creation": "Mon May 27 17:24 2019", "sync": "standard", "snapdev": "hidden", "dedup": "off", "sharenfs": "off", "usedbyrefreservation": "0B", "sharesmb": "off", "createtxg": "1", "canmount": "on", "mountpoint": "/tank", "casesensitivity": "sensitive", "utf8only": "off", "xattr": "on", "dnodesize": "legacy", "mlslabel": "none", "objsetid": "54", "defcontext": "none", "rootcontext": "none", "mounted": "yes", "compression": "off", "overlay": "off", "logicalused": "126K", "usedbysnapshots": "0B", "filesystem_count": "none", "copies": "1", "snapshot_limit": "none", "aclinherit": "restricted", "compressratio": "1.00x", "readonly": "off", "version": "5", "normalization": "none", "filesystem_limit": "none", "type": "filesystem", "secondarycache": "all", "refreservation": "none", "available": "17.4G", "used": "364K", "exec": "on", "refquota": "none", "refcompressratio": "1.00x", "quota": "none", "keylocation": "none", "snapshot_count": "none", "fscontext": "none", "vscan": "off", "reservation": "none", "atime": "on", "recordsize": "128K", "usedbychildren": "340K", "usedbydataset": "24K", "guid": "656061077639704004", "pbkdf2iters": "0", "checksum": "on", "special_small_blocks": "0", "redundant_metadata": "all", "volmode": "default", "devices": "on", "keyformat": "none", "logicalreferenced": "12K", "acltype": "off", "nbmand": "off", "context": "none", "encryption": "off", "snapdir": "hidden"}}

(the most pertinent parameter is mountpoint)


A xapi plugin to list, create and destroy PVs, VGs and LVMs on a host.

Helpers to list groups and volumes


$ xe host-call-plugin host-uuid=<uuid> plugin=lvm.py fn=list_physical_volumes
{"/dev/nvme0n1": {"attributes": "a--", "capacity": 1000203091968, "free": 0, "vg_name": "local_group", "format": "lvm2"}}


$ # `vg_name` arg is optional, it's used to limit the results.
$ xe host-call-plugin host-uuid=<uuid> plugin=lvm.py fn=list_volume_groups args:vg_name=<group>
{"local_group": {"capacity": 1000203091968, "sn_count": 0, "free": 0, "pv_count": 1, "lv_count": 4, "attributes": "wz--n-"}}


$ # Like for `list_volume_groups`, `vg_name` arg is optional.
$ xe host-call-plugin host-uuid=<uuid> plugin=lvm.py fn=list_logical_volumes args:vg_name=<group>
{"thin_device": {"attributes": "twi-aotz--", "capacity": 999951433728, "pool": "", "vg_name": "local_group"}, "xcp-persistent-redo-log_00000": {"attributes": "Vwi-aotz--", "capacity": 272629760, "pool": "thin_device", "vg_name": "local_group"}, "xcp-persistent-ha-statefile_00000": {"attributes": "Vwi-aotz--", "capacity": 8388608, "pool": "thin_device", "vg_name": "local_group"}, "xcp-persistent-database_00000": {"attributes": "Vwi-aotz--", "capacity": 1077936128, "pool": "thin_device", "vg_name": "local_group"}}

Creation of groups


$ # A device comma-separated list of devices is necessary.
$ # If a FS already exists, it can be ignored using a boolean arg: `ignore_existing_filesystems`.
$ # Also it's possible to ignore FS and other PV errors using the boolean arg: `force`.
$ xe host-call-plugin host-uuid=<uuid> plugin=lvm.py fn=create_physical_volume args:devices=<device_list>


$ # Note: the `force` arg can be used to recreate the VG.
$ xe host-call-plugin host-uuid=<uuid> plugin=lvm.py fn=create_volume_group args:vg_name=<group> devices=<device_list>


$ # This method is used to create a logical thin volume in a VG using 100% of the free space.
$ xe host-call-plugin host-uuid=<uuid> plugin=lvm.py fn=create_thin_pool args:vg_name=<group> lv_name=<logical_name>



$ # Note: the `force` arg can be used to remove existing volumes.
$ xe host-call-plugin host-uuid=<uuid> plugin=lvm.py fn=destroy_volume_group args:vg_name=<group>

XCP-ng RAID status check

A xapi plugin to get the current state of the raid devices on the host.


$ xe host-call-plugin host-uuid=<uuid> plugin=raid.py fn=check_raid_pool
{"raid": {"Working Devices": "2", "Raid Devices": "2", "Raid Level": "raid1", "Creation Time": "Wed Jul 17 13:29:42 2019", "Used Dev Size": "52428672 (50.00 GiB 53.69 GB)", "UUID": "1766eb6e:85762159:4c98b42e:2da92c97", "Array Size": "52428672 (50.00 GiB 53.69 GB)", "Failed Devices": "0", "State": "clean", "Version": "1.0", "Events": "44", "Persistence": "Superblock is persistent", "Spare Devices": "0", "Name": "localhost:127", "Active Devices": "2", "Total Devices": "2", "Update Time": "Tue Jul 30 01:58:48 2019"}, "volumes": [["0", "8", "0", "0", "active sync", "/dev/sda"], ["1", "8", "16", "1", "active sync", "/dev/sdb"]]}

XCP-ng updater

A xapi plugin to invoke yum commands on the host.

Update management


Return an array of the packages to update on the host.

$ xe host-call-plugin host-uuid=<uuid> plugin=updater.py fn=check_update

{"result": [{"release": "4.2", "fullName": "xen-dom0-libs-4.7.5-4.2.x86_64", "version": "4.7.5", "arch": "x86_64", "name": "xen-dom0-libs"}, {"release": "4.2", "fullName": "xen-dom0-tools-4.7.5-4.2.x86_64", "version": "4.7.5", "arch": "x86_64", "name": "xen-dom0-tools"}, {"release": "4.2", "fullName": "xen-tools-4.7.5-4.2.x86_64", "version": "4.7.5", "arch": "x86_64", "name": "xen-tools"}, {"release": "22.xs1", "fullName": "2:microcode_ctl-2.1-22.xs1.x86_64", "version": "2.1", "arch": "x86_64", "name": "microcode_ctl"}, {"release": "4.2", "fullName": "xen-hypervisor-4.7.5-4.2.x86_64", "version": "4.7.5", "arch": "x86_64", "name": "xen-hypervisor"}, {"release": "4.2", "fullName": "xen-libs-4.7.5-4.2.x86_64", "version": "4.7.5", "arch": "x86_64", "name": "xen-libs"}]}


Update the host.

$ xe host-call-plugin host-uuid=<uuid> plugin=updater.py fn=update


Return a JSON object of the installed packages given in arguments with an empty value string for not installed ones.

$ xe host-call-plugin host-uuid=<uuid> plugin=updater.py fn=query_installed args:packages=sm,sm-rawhba,invalid
{"sm-rawhba": "sm-rawhba-2.30.8-2.3.0.linstor.1.xcpng8.2.x86_64", "invalid": "", "sm": "sm-2.30.8-10.1.0.linstor.1.xcpng8.2.x86_64"}

Proxy configuration


$ xe host-call-plugin host-uuid=<uuid> plugin=updater.py fn=get_proxies
{"xcp-ng-base": "", "xcp-ng-updates": "_none_", "xcp-ng-extras": "_none_", "xcp-ng-extras_testing": "_none_", "xcp-ng-updates_testing": ""}

The answer is a JSON dict section -> proxy. The dict is empty if the file couldn't be read.


$ echo $JSON_PROXY
{"xcp-ng-base": "", "xcp-ng-updates": "_none_", "xcp-ng-extras": "_none_", "xcp-ng-extras_testing": "_none_", "xcp-ng-updates_testing": ""}
$ xe host-call-plugin host-uuid=<uuid> plugin=updater.py fn=set_proxies args:proxies="'$JSON_PROXY'"

The proxies parameter is a JSON dict section-> proxy for the list of sections whose proxy we want to alter.

The returned value should be an empty string in case of success.

LSBLK parser

A xapi plugin to get the lsblk output on the host.


$ xe host-call-plugin host-uuid=<uuid> plugin=lsblk.py fn=list_block_devices
  "blockdevices": [{"kname": "sdb", "name": "sdb", "pkname": "", "mountpoint": "", "ro": "0", "type": "disk", "size": "64424509440"}, {"kname": "sda", "name": "sda", "pkname": "", "mountpoint": "", "ro": "0", "type": "disk", "children": [{"kname": "sda4", "name": "sda4", "pkname": "sda", "mountpoint": "", "ro": "0", "type": "part", "size": "536870912"}, {"kname": "sda2", "name": "sda2", "pkname": "sda", "mountpoint": "", "ro": "0", "type": "part", "size": "19327352832"}, {"kname": "sda5", "name": "sda5", "pkname": "sda", "mountpoint": "/var/log", "ro": "0", "type": "part", "size": "4294967296"}, {"kname": "sda3", "name": "sda3", "pkname": "sda", "mountpoint": "", "ro": "0", "type": "part", "children": [{"kname": "dm-0", "name": "XSLocalEXT--1fad55d2--4f07--8145--c78a--297b173e06b0-1fad55d2--4f07--8145--c78a--297b173e06b0", "pkname": "sda3", "mountpoint": "/run/sr-mount/1fad55d2-4f07-8145-c78a-297b173e06b0", "ro": "0", "type": "lvm", "size": "19847446528"}], "size": "19863158272"}, {"kname": "sda1", "name": "sda1", "pkname": "sda", "mountpoint": "/", "ro": "0", "type": "part", "size": "19327352832"}, {"kname": "sda6", "name": "sda6", "pkname": "sda", "mountpoint": "[SWAP]", "ro": "0", "type": "part", "size": "1073741824"}], "size": "64424509440"}]
  • blockdevices is a json representation of the blockdevices.
  • stdout is the raw output.

Smartctl parser

A xapi plugin to get information and health of physical disks on the host


xe host-call-plugin host-uuid=<uuid> plugin=smartctl.py fn=information
{"/dev/sdf": {"power_on_time": {"hours": 9336}, "ata_version": {"minor_value": 94, "string": "ACS-4 T13/BSR INCITS 529 revision 5", "major_value": 2556}, "form_factor": {"ata_value": 3, "name": "2.5 inches"}, "firmware_version": "SVQ02B6Q", "wwn": {"oui": 9528, "naa": 5, "id": 65536604056}, "smart_status": {"passed": true}, "smartctl": {"build_info": "(local build)", "exit_status": 0, "argv": ["smartctl", "-j", "-a", "/dev/sdf"], "version": [7, 0], "svn_revision": "4883", "platform_info": "x86_64-linux-4.19.0+1"}, "temperature": {"current": 35}, "rotation_rate": 0, "interface_speed": {"current": {"sata_value": 3, "units_per_second": 60, "string": "6.0 Gb/s", "bits_per_unit": 100000000}, [...] }


xe host-call-plugin host-uuid=<uuid>  plugin=smartctl.py fn=health
{"/dev/sdf": "PASSED", "/dev/sdg": "PASSED", "/dev/sdd": "PASSED", "/dev/sde": "PASSED", "/dev/sdb": "PASSED", "/dev/sdc": "PASSED", "/dev/sda": "PASSED"}


A xapi plugin to install and get api keys of netdata on the host.


Returns whether or not the netdata packages are installed:

$ xe host-call-plugin host-uuid=<uuid> plugin=netdata.py fn=is_netdata_installed


Install the netdata packages on the host, returns "true" in case of success.

$ xe host-call-plugin host-uuid=<uuid> plugin=netdata.py fn=install_netdata


Return the net data api key on the host, return an empty string if netdata is not configured.

$ xe host-call-plugin host-uuid=<uuid> plugin=netdata.py fn=get_netdata_api_key


A xapi plugin to find out if hyperthreading is enabled on the host.


Return whether hyperthreading is enabled on the host.

$ xe host-call-plugin host-uuid=<uuid> plugin=hyperthreading.py fn=get_hyperthreading


To run the plugins' unit tests you'll need to install pytest, pyfakefs and mock.

To run all tests you can run:

pytest tests/


XCP-ng's specific XAPI plugins

License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%