xcalcc / xcalclient

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The New Xcal Client

A rewritten client to accept argument and run in daemon for local preprocessing


Please refer to ./build/README.MD.

Dev run

No need to package, you can add args in run-test in scripts section of package.json.

$>yarn run-test

Calling example

N.B.: User can assign task folder in .xcalsetting giving value to taskFolder or same key in project configs or giving --task-folder in command line. The priority is command line > project config > .xcalsetting
$>./client -h "http://xxx.xx.xx" -p 80 --fsp 9000 -u "xx" --psw "xx" -s "/home/jack/projects/scan-source/basic" --call-from 'V' --new --project-name "basic_new" -m "single" --debug


Argument Description Type Consumer Conflict Owner Internal Default Required
-h scan Server Host String Controller N/A PM From client setting R
-p scan Server Port Decimal Controller N/A PM From client setting R
-m scan mode String Controller N/A PM From project setting O
-c config file path, bypass default xcalscan.conf String Controller -s PM N/A O
-s source code path (absolute) String Controller -c PM N/A R
-u user name String Controller N/A PM From client setting O (if set before)
--psw user password String Controller N/A PM From client setting O (if set before)
--fsp file service port Decimal Uploader N/A R&D From project setting R
--new if to create a new project regardless it has uuid before String Controller N/A PM false O
--project-name specified projectName (this will write back to config) String Controller N/A PM N/A O
--project-id specified projectId (this will write back to config) String Controller N/A PM N/A O
--repo-path repository path String SCM N/A R&D N/A O
--repo-branch repository branch String SCM N/A R&D N/A O
--delta-result temporary delta in scan Boolean SCM N/A R&D N/A O
--max-get-commit max search commit for git, default Decimal SCM N/A R&D N/A O
--locale locale en/cn String Controller N/A PM en R
--report (TBD) visualize scan log and states Boolean Controller N/A PM N/A O
--call-from client entry point String Controller N/A R&D N/A R
--debug debug mode Boolean Controller N/A R&D false O
--help show options Boolean Controller N/A R&D false O
--dev dev mode, now support --help --dev for hidden options Boolean Controller N/A R&D false O
--cancel cancel mode Boolean Controller N/A R&D false O
--build-path where project should build to String Controller N/A R&D N/A O
--task-folder task folder path to store temp work files String Controller N/A R&D N/A O


Client always presumes there will be a .xcalscan folder in the source code folder

As for client, the overall controller is the phase (stage) controller, each stage contains sub phases, each sub phase folder will have the controller itself to trigger executable binaries.

  • Setup stage
    • Project config
    • Create project
    • Rule (custom rule uploading to rule service)
    • SCM
  • Preproc stage
    • Preprocess
    • Upload
    • Submit scan task to scan service

Trouble shooting

Subphase Executables


scmSubPhase can be treated as a combination of spGetCommitId and spGetScmDiff

Argument Description Type Consumer Default Required
-op output path string scm N/A R
-api server url with server port string scm N/A R
-pid project id (uuid) to lookup for baseline string scm N/A R
-token jwt token, expired in 24 hrs string scm N/A R
-bt back track, look back steps until commit id matches baseline id string scm 10 O
-rp repo path, project folder with .git folder string scm N/A R
-rb repo branch read from xcalscan.conf string scm N/A R
--commit-id commit id string scm N/A O
--baseline-commit-id baseline commit id string scm N/A O
-dr Delta result for partial scan string scm false O
--git-folder-tolerance Allowing .git folder in parent folder or not boolean scm false O
Argument Description Required
-api server url required
-token token required
-rp repo branch required
-rb repo branch required
-pc xcalscan.conf required
-op output path required
Argument Description Required
-op output path required
-cid commit id required
-bcid baseline commit id required
-rp repo path required
-rb repo branch required


Argument Description Required
-op output path required
-pc xcalscan.conf required


Argument Description Required
-op output path required
-pc xcalscan.conf required
-xp xcalbuild folder required
--scan-all scan all with clean optional - user invisible
--fwl file whitelist command optional
--fbl file blacklist command optional


Argument Description Required
-url minio server url required
-pc xcalscan.conf required
-fd temp scan ID folder (work folder) required

Creating project

./script/projectSetup will run separately to setup a project, first time it will always fail as project name should be assigned by user.

Scan cancellation

$>./client -h "http://xxx.xx.xx" -p 80 -u "xx" --psw "xx" -s "/mnt/d/vm-shared/basic" --cancel

Argv for cancel:

Argument Description Required
--cancel Scan Server Host required
-h Scan Server Host required
-p Scan Server Port required
-u User name optional (if set before)
--psw User password optional (if set before)

Migrating 2.0.1 or older configs

You need to assign the config folder which contains old config files the script will help you create a new 2.1.0 config for project scanning

$> ./migrate-config -u "xx" --psw "xx" --config-path "/home/jack/configs" -h "http://xxx.xx.xx" -p "80"

Argv for config migration:

Argument Description Required
-h Scan Server Host required
-p Scan Server Port required
-u User name optional (if set before)
--psw User password optional (if set before)
--config-path Config files folder required

Collecting logs

$>./tools/gather-logs  --project-path "/home/jack/projects/scan-source/basic" --scan-task-id "74b775d3-9f77-45f7-a201-54a8cdf0b60e" --server-url "http://xxx.xx.xx" --username "xx" --password "xx" --output-file "./74b775d3-9f77-45f7-a201-54a8cdf0b60e.log"

Argv for config collecting logs:

Argument Description Required
--project-path Project source code path required
--scan-task-id Scan task UUID required
--server-url API server url required
--username User name required
--password User password required
--output-file The output log file required

Developer end to end test

Before commit, you'd better do basic end to end test to make sure your modification work. Below is the steps for how to do this. This is verified in Ubuntu 20.04, other systems should also be ok, but you probably need to make some changes. Because of the different system environment, various problems may occur. You may do some other tings to make it work.


There should be a xcalscan server deployed already.


  1. install yarn:
curl -sS https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/pubkey.gpg | sudo apt-key add
echo "deb https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/ stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install yarn
  1. node version should be > 12.2.0, please google for how to install latest version node.
  2. install some dependency such as xcallogger:
yarn install
  1. install python dependency:
pip3 install minio
  1. set python path:
export PYTHONPATH=~/xxx/xcalclient:~/xxx/xcalclient/modules
  1. copy xcalbuild executable directory to ~/xxx/xcalclient/modules
  2. copy or create .xcalsetting file to ~/xxx/xcalclient, fill in appropriate value.
  3. copy xcalscan.conf to your test project path, such as ~/xxx/projects/basic, fill in appropriate value.
  4. open package.json file, modify 'run-test' line, use your test case project path to replace the example value.
  5. open policy/data/configs.js file, modify executable value to the corresponding python script.
  6. finally, run test, and waiting for the result.
yarn run-test

Updating version

Update versions for each module

yarn update-ver  --all --direct-value "xx.xx.xx"


  • --update: major/minor/patch/meta/main
  • --auto: auto patching version file
  • --all: patch all subphases and controller
  • --direct-value: assign direct version number
  • --write-back-to-package-json: also update version in package.json




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