xavivg91 / master-degree-final-project

Twitter data analysis on World Health Day

Home Page:http://hdl.handle.net/10609/124966

Repository from Github https://github.comxavivg91/master-degree-final-projectRepository from Github https://github.comxavivg91/master-degree-final-project

Master's degree final project

License: MIT contributions welcome

GitHub Xavi Twitter Follow

My delivery for the final project of the Master's degree in Business Intelligence and Big Data (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya).

The principal objective of the project is to analyze tweets captured on World Health Day (April 7th) to create a data storytelling, using Twitter as the main source. The project includes the following analysis:

  • Statistical and descriptive analysis
  • Sentiment analysis: Bing, NRC and AFINN lexicons
  • Retweet network analysis: most relevant users and tweets, metrics and properties of the network and visualization of the graph (using the Gephi software)
  • Wordclouds to display the most frequent words
  • Geographical analysis of tweets