xavidop / firebase-genkit-ollama

Firebase project that uses the Gen AI Kit with Gemma using Ollama

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Firebase Function using Genkit & Gemma with Ollama


This is a simple example of a Firebase function that uses Genkit and Ollama to translate any test to Spanish.

This project uses the following technologies:

  1. Firebase Functions
  2. Firebase Genkit
  3. Ollama

This project uses the following Node.js Packages:

  1. @genkit-ai/firebase: Genkit Firebase SDK to be able to use Genkit in Firebase Functions
  2. genkitx-ollama: Genkit Ollama plugin to be able to use Ollama in Genkit
  3. @genkit-ai/ai, @genkit-ai/core and @genkit-ai/flow: Genkit AI Core SDK
  4. @genkit-ai/dotprompt: Plugin to use DotPrompt in Genkit


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Run npm install to install the dependencies in the functions folder
  3. Run firebase login to login to your Firebase account
  4. Install genkit-cli by running npm install -g genkit

This repo is suposed to use with NodeJS version 20.

Run the Firebase emulator

To run the function locally, run GENKIT_ENV=dev firebase emulators:start --inspect-functions and then run the following command in the terminal:

The emulator will be available at http://localhost:4000

Open Genkit UI

Go to the functions folder and run genkit start --attach http://localhost:3100 --port 4001 to open the Genkit UI. The UI will be available at http://localhost:4001.


Run Gemma with Ollama

You will need to install Ollama by running brew install ollama and then run ollama run gemma to start the Ollama server.

Code explanation

The code is in the functions/index.ts file. The function is called translatorFlow and it uses the Genkit SDK to translate the text to Spanish.

First, we have to configure the Genkit SDK with the Ollama plugin:

  plugins: [
      models: [{ name: 'gemma' }],
      serverAddress: '', // default ollama local address
  logLevel: "debug",
  enableTracingAndMetrics: true,

Then, we define the function, in the Gen AI Kit they call it Flows. a Flow is function with some additional characteristics: they are strongly typed, streamable, locally and remotely callable, and fully observable. Firebase Genkit provides CLI and Developer UI tooling for working with flows (running, debugging, etc):

export const translatorFlow = onFlow(
    name: "translatorFlow",
    inputSchema: z.object({ text: z.string() }),
    outputSchema: z.string(),
    authPolicy: noAuth(), // Not requiring authentication, but you can change this. It is highly recommended to require authentication for production use cases.
  async (toTranslate) => {
    const prompt =
      `Translate this ${toTranslate.text} to Spanish. Autodetect the language.`;

    const llmResponse = await generate({
      model: 'ollama/gemma',
      prompt: prompt,
      config: {
        temperature: 1,

    return llmResponse.text();

As we saw above, we use Zod to define the input and output schema of the function. We also use the generate function from the Genkit SDK to generate the translation.

We also have disabled the authentication for this function, but you can change this by changing the authPolicy property:

firebaseAuth((user) => {
  if (!user.email_verified) {
    throw new Error('Verified email required to run flow');

For the example above you will need to import the firebaseAuth function from the @genkit-ai/firebase/auth package:

import { firebaseAuth } from '@genkit-ai/firebase/auth';

Invoke the function locally

Now you can invoke the function by running genkit flow:run translatorFlow '{"text":"hi"}' in the terminal.

You can also make a curl command by running curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"data": { "text": "hi" }}'<firebase-project>/<region>/translatorFlow in the terminal.

For example:

> curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"data": { "text": "hi" }}'
{"result":"Hola\n\nThe translation of \"hi\" to Spanish is \"Hola\"."}

You can also use Postman or any other tool to make a POST request to the function:



To deploy the function, run firebase deploy --only functions. You will need to change the ollama URL in the function to the URL of the Ollama server.


Firebase project that uses the Gen AI Kit with Gemma using Ollama


Language:TypeScript 62.0%Language:JavaScript 38.0%