xavidop / alexa-proactive-event-sender

Alexa Proactive Event Client

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Proactive notification java client sender

This project aims at simplifying sending proactive events to a skill from an external java process.

This code performs the following operations:

  1. Obtains an authentication token from Alexa by using the skill's client_id and client_secret. You can obtain these in the Build Tab - Permissions section of your skill in the Alexa developer console.
  2. Uses the authentication token obtained in the previous step to broadcast notifications to those users of the skill that granted permissions to notifications in the Alexa app. Sends events following the AMAZON.MessageAlert.Activated schema.

Adding proactive events to your skill

Remember that if you want to send proactive events to your skill, you need to modify the skilll manifest (skill.json) to add notification permissions to the skill and declare the schema(s) of the proactive events your skill is allowed to send. Using SMAPI, you need to:

  1. Add the permissions object to the skill's manifest property (skill.json):

"permissions": [
        "name": "alexa::devices:all:notifications:write"
  1. Add the events object to the skill's manifest property:

"events": {
  "publications": [
      "eventName": "AMAZON.MessageAlert.Activated"
  "endpoint": {
    "uri": "** TODO: REPLACE WITH YOUR Lambda ARN after created **"
  "subscriptions": [
  1. Redeploy your skill by running:

ask deploy -t skill

If you want to declare that the skill accepts more than one schema, just add them into events.publications above and remember to change the template in your Event class from package com.xavidop.alexa.model.event.

The process is more thoroughly described in the official Alexa Proactive Events API documentation.

You can find a working example on how to configure your skill for Proactive Events in the official Alexa Github repository: https://github.com/alexa/alexa-cookbook/tree/master/feature-demos/skill-demo-proactive-events


You need Java >= 1.8 to run the code and Maven to download the required dependencies.

How to install these two tools goes beyond the scope of this document.


To download project dependencies simply add this dependency to your pom.xml file:


How to use it

After added the dependecy you can use the client as below:

    String clientId = "YOUR-CLIENT";
    String secretId = "YOUR-SECRET";

    AlexaProactiveEventSenderClient client = new AlexaProactiveEventSenderClient(clientId, secretId);

    ProactiveEvent event = new ProactiveEvent();

    URLRegion urlRegion = new URLRegion();

    client.sendProactiveEvent(event, urlRegion);
  • Environment: whether the target events will be sent to the live or development endpoints. Allowed values are dev and pro.
  • Region: identifies the region of the Alexa endpoint to use to send proactive events. Allowed values are EU (Europe), NA (North America) and FE (Far East). Remember: if your users are located in NA and you are sending events trough the EU endpoint, users located in NA won't receive any notification.

These are the values by default of an event when you create it:

        "timestamp": "",
        "referenceId": "UUID-AUTOGENERATED",
        "expiryTime": "",
        "event": {
          "name": "AMAZON.MessageAlert.Activated",
          "payload": {
            "state": {
              "status": "UNREAD",
              "freshness": "NEW"
            "messageGroup": {
              "urgency": "URGENT",
              "creator": {
                "name": ""
              "count": 1
        "relevantAudience": {
            "type": "Multicast",
            "payload": {}

How to contribute

Feel free to contribute by PR!

That's all!

Happy coding!


Alexa Proactive Event Client


Language:Java 100.0%