xanny-projects / dragon

⚡Fast , simple expressive web framework for deno 🦕.

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Fast ,simple expressive web framework for deno. If you need performance and good productivity, you will love it.


  • Developer friendly, very expressive and help the developer in their daily use, without sacrificing performance and security.
  • Lightweight and modular design allows for a flexible framework.
  • Focus on high performance.
  • Middleware support, incoming HTTP request can be handled by a chain of middlewares and the final action.
  • Excellent and fluent documentation.

Getting Started

Let's start registering a couple of URL withPaths and handlers:

import {
} from "https://deno.land/x/dragon@v1.1.4/lib/mod.ts";

const app = new Application();

const r = app.routes();

    async function (Request: HttpRequest, ResponseWriter: HttpResponse) {
      ResponseWriter.end("Hello Dragon");

    async function (Request: HttpRequest, ResponseWriter: HttpResponse) {
      ResponseWriter.end("Hello Dragon Demo");

app.listenAndServe({ port: 8080 });

console.log("🐉 Serveur listining");

Here we register two routes mapping URL withPath to handler. if an incoming request URL matches one of the withPaths, the corresponding handler is called passing. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experience to be truly fulfilling (HttpRequest, HttpResponse) as parameters.


Get started with Dragon, learn the fundamentals and explore advanced topics.

Table of content


Assuming you’ve already installed Deno, create a directory to hold your application, and make that your working directory.

$ mkdir Dragon-app
$ cd Dragon-app

Creates an Dragon application. The Application class exported from Dragon module and sets up the application with various options.

const app = new Application();

An instance of application has some optional properties as well:

  • proxyIpHeader

    Return header for identifying the originating IP address of a client connecting to a web server through an HTTP proxy or a load balancer.

  • hostname

    A unique name for a computer or network node in a network. This defaults to

  • port

    Numbers used by protocols for operation of network applications.

  • certFile

    A concatenation of all Certificate Authority (CA).

  • keyFile

    The associated private key.

  • secure

    The listening will be over HTTPS.


Routing is made from the word route. It is used to determine the specific behavior of an application. It specifies how an application responds to a client request to a particular route, URI or withPath and a specific HTTP request method (GET, POST, etc.). It can handle different types of HTTP requests.

1- Basic Routing

Dragon provides a very simple and expressive method of defining routes and behavior without complicated routing configuration files:

const r = app.routes();
    async function (Request: HttpRequest, ResponseWriter: HttpResponse) {
      ResponseWriter.end("Hello Dragon");

The optional options parameter specifies the behavior of the router.

  • maxParamLength

    A custom length for parameters.

  • notFoundHandler

    Configurable Handler to be used when no route matches.

  • maxRoutes

    Maximum allowed routes.

2- Available Router Methods

The router allows you to register routes that respond to any HTTP verb: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE

const r = app.routes();

Sometimes you may need to register a route that responds to multiple HTTP verbs.

const r = app.routes();
r.withMethods(RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST);

3- Route Parameters

Sometimes you will need to capture segments of the URI within your route. For example, you may need to capture a user's ID from the URL. You may do so by defining route parameters:

const r = app.routes();
    async function (
      Request: HttpRequest,
      ResponseWriter: HttpResponse,
    ): Promise<any> {
      const { id: userID } = await Request.params();
      ResponseWriter.end(`User with id ${userID}`);

You may define as many route parameters as required by your route.

🚨 Dragon uses regex named group in order to match parameters.

4- Named Routes

Named routes allow to get handler. You may specify a withName for a route by chaining the name method onto the route definition:

const r = app.routes();
    async function (
      Request: HttpRequest,
      ResponseWriter: HttpResponse,
    ): Promise<any> {

5- Fallback Routes

Using notFoundHandler option. you may define a route that will be executed when no other route matches the incoming request:

const fallback = async function (
  Request: HttpRequest,
  ResponseWriter: HttpResponse,
) {
  ResponseWriter.html`🤦 Page Not Found`.end();
  return MiddlewareState.Cancel;

const r = app.routes({
  notFoundHandler: fallback,

Request Object

The HttpRequest class provides an object represents the HTTP request and has properties for the request query string, parameters, body, HTTP headers, and so on.

An instance of request object has some methods associated as well:

  • expectsJson

    Quickly determine if the incoming request expects a JSON response.

  • method

    Returns the HTTP verb for the request.

  • url

    Returns the full URL for incoming request.

  • urlQuery

    Returns the full URL for incoming request.

  • withPath

    Returns the request's withPath information

  • prefers

    Determine which content type out of a given array of content types is most preferred by the request. If none of the provided content types are accepted by the request, null will be returned.

  • isXHR

    Check if the request was an _XMLHttpRequest_.

  • hostName

    Returns the Host header field to a hostname.

  • isIpv4

    Determines whether the host name is an IP address 4 bytes.

  • isIpv6

    Determines whether the host name is a valid IPv6.

  • contentLength

    Indicates the size of the entity-body, in bytes, sent to the recipient.

  • body

    It contains key-value pairs of data submitted in the request body.

  • bodyWithoutParser

    Get the body of the message without parsing.

  • contentType

    Returns the media type of the resource.

  • schemes

    Returns http or https when requested with TLS.

  • queryParams

    Returns an array of object containing a property for each query string parameter in the route.

  • queryParam

    Returns specific query param.

  • params

    An object containing properties mapped to the named route parameters For example, if you have the route /user/:name, then the "name" property is available as const {name} = GetParams(); This object defaults to {}.

  • secure

    Verify if the request is secure HTTPS.


The Headers interface allows you to perform various actions on HTTP request and response headers. These actions include retrieving, setting, adding to, and removing headers from the list of the request's headers.

You may retrieve a request header from the HttpRequest and HttpResponse instance using the header or headers method. If the header is not present on the request, null will be returned.

const HandlerFun = async function (
  Request: HttpRequest,
  ResponseWriter: HttpResponse,
) {
  // Retrieves a message header value by the name.
  const v1 = Request.header("X-Header-Name");
  // Retrieves all message header values.
  const v2 = Request.headers();

The hasHeader method may be used to determine if the request contains a given header:

if (Request.hasHeader("X-Header-Name")) {

The delHeader method is used to remove given header if exists :


The withHeader method is used to add a series of headers to the response before sending it back to the user.

Request.withHeader("X-Header-One", "Header Value 1")
  .withHeader("X-Header-Two", "Header Value 2")

💬 Keep in mind that most response methods are chainable, allowing for the fluent construction of response instances.

Response Object

All routes should return a response to be sent back to the user's browser. Dragon provides several different ways to return responses.

Let's see some methods of response object.

  • statusCode

    Set the response status code. The status code is a 3-digit integer result code of the server's attempt.

  • withStatus

    Set an instance with the specified status code.

  • withContentLength

    Set Content-Length field to n.

  • withLastModified

    Set the Last-Modified date using a string or a Date.

  • withBody

    Set the response body.

  • html

    Renders a view and sends the rendered HTML string to the client.

  • json

    Returns the response in JSON format ,as well as set the Content-Type header to application/json.

  • redirect

    Redirect the client to another URL with optional response status defaulting to 302.

  • isRedirectStatus

    Determines if a HTTP Status is a RedirectStatus (3XX).

  • abort

    Rise an HTTP error from the server.

  • end

    Return a response.


Cookies are small piece of information i.e. sent from a website and stored in user's web browser when user browses that website. Every time the user loads that website back, the browser sends that stored data back to website or server, to recognize user.

Let's define a new route in your Dragon app like set a new cookie:

const r = app.routes();
    async function (
      Request: HttpRequest,
      ResponseWriter: HttpResponse,
    ): Promise<any> {
      ResponseWriter.withCookie("id=a3fWa; Max-Age=2592000").end();


Middleware provides a convenient mechanism for inspecting and filtering HTTP requests entering your application.

💬 Middleware functions are always invoked in the order in which they are added.

Middleware is commonly used to perform tasks like body parsing for URL-encoded or JSON requests, cookie parsing for basic cookie handling.

Dragon provides build-in middlewares like:

1- Assigning Middleware To Routes

If you would like to assign middleware to specific routes, you shoud use withMiddleware methods:

const middleware = async function (
  Request: HttpRequest,
  ResponseWriter: HttpResponse,
) {
  return MiddlewareState.Next;

const r = app.routes();
    async function (
      Request: HttpRequest,
      ResponseWriter: HttpResponse,
    ): Promise<any> {

💬 To pass the request deeper into the application, you must call the MiddlewareState.Next on the other hand you can use MiddlewareState.Cancel to terminate the middleware.

2- Middleware Groups

Sometimes you may want to group several middleware under a single key to make them easier to assign to routes. You may accomplish this using the withMiddlewareGroups:

const StartSession = async function (
  Request: HttpRequest,
  ResponseWriter: HttpResponse,
) {
  // Code implementation.
  return MiddlewareState.Next;

const VerifyCsrfToken = async function (
  Request: HttpRequest,
  ResponseWriter: HttpResponse,
) {
  // Code implementation.
  return MiddlewareState.Next;

const r = app.routes();
  .withMiddlewareGroups("web", [StartSession, VerifyCsrfToken])
    async function (
      Request: HttpRequest,
      ResponseWriter: HttpResponse,
    ): Promise<any> {

3- Global Middleware

If you want a middleware to run during every HTTP request to your application, you should use globalMiddleware methods:

const middleware = async function (
  Request: HttpRequest,
  ResponseWriter: HttpResponse,
) {
  return MiddlewareState.Next;

const r = app.routes();
    async function (
      Request: HttpRequest,
      ResponseWriter: HttpResponse,
    ): Promise<any> {
      // Code implementation.

Handling CORS Requests

CORS is shorthand for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. It is a mechanism to allow or restrict requested resources on a web server depend on where the HTTP request was initiated.

👀 This policy is used to secure a certain web server from access by other website or domain.

CORSMethodMiddleware intends to make it easier to strictly set the Access-Control-Allow-Methods response header.

Here is an example of using CORSMethodMiddleware along with a custom OPTIONS handler to set all the required CORS headers.

Full Examples

Here's a complete, runnable example of a small Dragon based server:

import { Application, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, RequestMethod } from "https://deno.land/x/dragon@v1.1.4/lib/mod.ts";

const app = new Application();
const r = app.routes({ maxRoutes:1 });
   .handleFunc(async function (Request: HttpRequest, ResponseWriter: HttpResponse): Promise<void> {

app.listenAndServe({ port: 8080 });


console.log("🐉 Serveur listining");


Machine: 7,6 GiB, Intel® Core™ i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz × 4 , Intel® Ivybridge Mobile, 320,1 GB.

method: autocannon -c 100 -d 40 -p 10 localhost:8080 , taking the second average

Framework Version Router? Results
Express 4.17.1 166k requests in 40.08s, 39.5 MB read
Fastify 3.9.1 1081k requests in 40.07s ,189 MB read
Oak 4.0.0 243k requests in 40.12s, 27 MB read
Dragon 1.0.0 416k requests in 40.21s, 37.1 MB read

This is a synthetic, hello world benchmark that aims to evaluate the framework overhead. The overhead that each framework has on your application depends on your application, you should always benchmark if performance matters to you.


We appreciate your help 👋!

We encourage you to contribute to Dragon! Please check out the guidelines about how to proceed.


We would like to extend our thanks to the following sponsors for funding Dragon development. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please visit the Dragon Open collective page.

Code of Conduct

In order to ensure that the Dragon community is welcoming to all, please review and abide by the Code of Conduct.

Security Issues

If you discover a security vulnerability in Dragon, please see Security Policies and Procedures.


Detailed changes for each release are documented in the release notes.



The Dragon framework is open-sourced software licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.


⚡Fast , simple expressive web framework for deno 🦕.


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:TypeScript 99.6%Language:JavaScript 0.4%