xanderjl / listening-party

Guide to streaming in the channel along with a roadmap for the future!

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The Party Corgi Listening Party

The #listening-party channel is meant to be a place to share what you're listening to throughout your workday, while you stream, etc. Think of it as user-submitted radio.

The How-To

So, you want to share what you've been listening to with the Corgis. Party Corgi


This guide will make two assumptions:

  1. You have a Spotify Premium account.
  2. You're using Discord and Spotify in tandem on a desktop.


Let's get connected

Connect your Spotify account CTA

If you're listening to Spotify, Discord will see that and you'll be prompted with this little call to action.


Browser confirmation on connection

Clicking the connect button will bring up a browser window with a login screen, after logging in, you should be met with this.


Spotify settings under Connections tab in User Settings

You can confirm you're connected by visiting the Connections tab under User Settings in Discord.


Congrats! You're able to move onto the next step.

Green play button in the text input field

To get started, have something playing in your Spotify desktop app. Now, in the #listening-party channel, you should see a green play arrow on the + button to the left of the text input box.

If the green play arrow does not appear, make sure your Discord status is set to Online.


Invite #channel to listen to Spotify

In the pop up, you should see "Invite #channel-name to Listen to Spotify". Once you click that, it should post a share link to that channel. It should look something like...


Success! You're sharing your music with the homies

This! Congrats. You're sharing your tunes with the homies.


You can see who is streaming their music in a voice channel by hovering your cursor over it

Another little nice-to-have, is this; the pop up when you hover over a voice channel. This will lead into some ideas I have for the roadmap of the channel.


Please post your playlist while streaming so that those who don't pay for Premium can follow along in some capacity!

The Roadmap

So I have a few ideas for the channel moving forward, but I'd like input from all of you!


In no particular order:

  • A weekly book club-style listening party Friday/Saturday evenings. We'd have a poll to pick an album to listen to throughout the week and have a discussion about it in #voice-03. The goal here is to broaden our horizons on our perceptions of genres (read: Opera, Country, etc.). I have yet to work out all of the logistics here, so feedback would be greatly appreciated!
  • A monthly online 'concert'. I imagine there are many among us who are both musically and technically inclined. I'd love to allow for the community to perform/show off what they've been working on! If there's enough interest, I'd love to try and get this organized.
  • Build a bot that would auto-pin the most recently shared Spotify Invite to the channel. (I have literally zero experience with this and would love a hand!).


That's all for now, folks! Please feel free to shoot me a DM in Discord or fire off an e-mail with ideas, concerns, or a fresh-to-death playlist!





Guide to streaming in the channel along with a roadmap for the future!