xanderjl / code-input

Code input and schema for Sanity Studio

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



This is the Sanity Studio v3 version of @sanity/code-input.

For the v2 version, please refer to the v2-branch.

What is it?

Code input for Sanity.

Currently only a subset of languages and features are exposed, over time we will implement a richer set of options.

Code input

Click lines to highlight them.


npm install --save @sanity/code-input@studio-v3


yarn add @sanity/code-input@studio-v3


Add it as a plugin in sanity.config.ts (or .js):

import { codeInput } from "@sanity/code-input";

export default createConfig({
  // ...
  plugins: [

Now you can use the code type in your schema types:

// [...]
  fields: [
    // [...]
      name: 'exampleUsage',
      title: 'Example usage',
      type: 'code',


  • language - Default language for this code field
  • languageAlternatives - Array of languages that should be available (se its format in the example below)
  • theme - Name of the theme to use.
    • Possible values include: ['github', 'monokai', 'terminal', 'tomorrow'].
    • For the full list and a live playground, refer to the react-ace page.
    • Default value: 'tomorrow'
  • darkTheme - Name of the theme to use when Studio is using dark mode. See theme options for supported values.
    • Default value: 'monokai'
  • withFilename - Boolean option to display input field for filename
// ...fields...
  name: 'exampleUsage',
  title: 'Code with all options',
  type: 'code',
  options: {
    theme: 'github',
    darkTheme: 'terminal',
    language: 'js',
    languageAlternatives: [
      {title: 'Javascript', value: 'js'},
      {title: 'HTML', value: 'html'},
      {title: 'CSS', value: 'css'},
      {title: 'Rust', value: 'rust', mode:'rust'},
      {title: 'SASS', value: 'sass'},

Code input with all options in dark mode

Add support for more languages

Only a subset of languages are supported by default (see full list here). You can add support for other languages by importing the ace mode yourself, and specifying mode for the languageAlternatives schema config.

Example: Add support for the Rust Programming Language

// import rust support for ace, see https://github.com/securingsincity/react-ace for more details
import 'ace-builds/src-noconflict/mode-rust'

    name: 'exampleUsage',
    title: 'Example usage',
    type: 'code',
    options: {
      languageAlternatives: [
        {title: 'Javascript', value: 'js'},
          title: 'Rust',
          value: 'rust',
          mode:'rust' // <- specify the mode to use here. Make sure this mode is also imported from ace-builds (see above)

Data model

  _type: 'code',
  language: 'js',
  highlightedLines: [1, 2],
  code: 'const foo = "bar"\nconsole.log(foo.toUpperCase())\n// BAR',
  filename: 'available when enabled'        

Example usage in frontend (React)

You can use any syntax highlighter you want - but not all of them might support highlighted lines or the syntax you've defined.

As outlined above, the actual code is stored in a code property, so if your schema has a field called codeExample of type code, the property you'd want to pass to the highlighter would be codeExample.code.

Here's an example using react-refractor:

import React from 'react'
import Refractor from 'react-refractor'
import js from 'refractor/lang/javascript'


export function Code(props) {
  return (
      // In this example, `props` is the value of a `code` field

Other syntax highlighters include:


MIT-licensed. See LICENSE.

Develop & test

This plugin uses @sanity/plugin-kit with default configuration for build & watch scripts.

See Testing a plugin in Sanity Studio on how to run this plugin with hotreload in the studio.

Release new version

Run "CI & Release" workflow. Make sure to select the main branch and check "Release new version".

Semantic release will only release on configured branches, so it is safe to run release on any branch.


Code input and schema for Sanity Studio

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 94.7%Language:JavaScript 5.0%Language:Shell 0.3%