xadahiya / FastApi-specs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

HX App

Please read https://hypersonixio.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/EN/pages/402522249/API+Framework+for+Microservices before gettings started.

Initializing a cloned repo

When you first clone the repo, you need to run the following commands as part of the initial local setup. THIS STEP IS NON OPTIONAL.

poetry install
pre-commit install

Building the App

Build the relavant docker images using the command

docker-compose build

Starting the App

Start the aapp using

docker-compose up


Dependencies are managed using poetry. Documentation ara available here

Adding a package

poetry add <package>

After adding the package please re build the image.

Auth Example

Auth plugings are built-in and can be used simply by doing something like this

def index(user: Dict = Depends(JWTBearer())) -> Optional[Dict]:

    return {'userinfo': user}

Pagination Example

Pagination support is also built-in using fastapi_pagination and can be used by doing something like this

@router.get('/users', response_model=Page[User])
async def get_users():
    return paginate(users)

See app/routes folder for full example. Docs can be found here https://uriyyo-fastapi-pagination.netlify.app/

Other Features

Other features like APM, logging and health checks are already setup for your convenience. Use .env file to configure things according to your needs.



Language:Python 74.0%Language:Shell 13.8%Language:Dockerfile 12.2%