xPloits3c / TgReportBruteForce

This program allows you to make a mass request for reports until the account is closed.Don't use it for illegal purposes please

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


πŸ’» pip install requests

πŸ’» pip install beautifulsoup4

πŸ’» pip install pandas

πŸ’» pip install matplotlib

πŸ’» pip install scikit-learn

πŸ’» git clone https://github.com/VikingTerminal/TgReportBruteForce

πŸ’» cd TgReportBruteForce

πŸ’» Chmod +x TG_REPORT.py

πŸ’» python TG_REPORT.py

🌟 Do it all with just one command

πŸ’» pip install requests && pip install beautifulsoup4 && pip install pandas && pip install matplotlib && pip install scikit-learn && git clone https://github.com/VikingTerminal/TgReportBruteForce && cd TgReportBruteForce && chmod +x TG_REPORT.py && python TG_REPORT.py

✨ To automatically generate the json file execute this instruction :

πŸ’» python JSONGEN.py

Descrizione dell'immagine

⚠️ ❌ ATTENTION! This code can cause adverse effects on a remote system without permission. Illegal use carries serious criminal consequences

Descrizione dell'immagine


This program allows you to make a mass request for reports until the account is closed.Don't use it for illegal purposes please


Language:Python 100.0%