A simple multi curl implementation, optimized for high concurrency.
This is practically a bare bones implemention. Retrying, HTTP code checking and other stuff is up to the user.
$Crimp = new Crimp( function( CurlHandle $Handle, string $Data, $Request ) : void
// $Handle is the cURL handle
// $Data is the content of a cURL handle
// $Request is whatever was queued
} );
// How many concurrent threads to use
$Crimp->Threads = 10;
// Set any curl option that are needed
$Crimp->CurlOptions[ CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION ] = 1;
// Queue urls
$Crimp->Add( 'https://example.com/?v=1' );
$Crimp->Add( 'https://example.com/?v=2' );
// Queue an array, it must contain a `Url` key
$Crimp->Add( [ 'Url' => 'https://example.com/?v=3' ] );
// Queue an object, it must contain a `Url` property
class RequestUrl { public string $Url; }
$request = new RequestUrl();
$request->Url = 'https://example.com/?v=4';
$Crimp->Add( $request );
// Execute the requests
is enabled by default. See examples folder for more.
If you need a fully featured multi cURL implemention, take a look at Zebra_cURL or Guzzle instead.