xN8Tx / configs

πŸš€ tmux, neovim, hyper, oh-my-zsh - configuration files for sweet web coding

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πŸš€ tmux, neovim, hyper, oh-my-zsh - configuration files for sweet web coding

πŸ“– Content

πŸ€” About

This is all config that give me all necessary stuff to easily write code for my web projects. This repo includes configuration for:

  1. Hyper - as main terminal to work
  2. Tmux - to simplify work proccess
  3. Nvim - as main ide
  4. oh-my-zsh - to customize my shell

🌸 Appearance

For main colorscheme i use Macchiato theme by catppuccin to all.

Tmux + Hyper

πŸ’» Neovim

Neovim powered by lazy.nvim as plugin manager.

πŸ› οΈ Work with:

  • Javascript typescript
  • ReactJS
  • Docker Docker Compose

πŸ’« Features

  • Autocomplete
  • Suggestions
  • Formatting
  • Autopairs
  • Linting
  • Beauty UI

🦾 Plugins

πŸ’– Thanks

This configs inspired by:


πŸš€ tmux, neovim, hyper, oh-my-zsh - configuration files for sweet web coding


Language:Lua 92.5%Language:Shell 7.5%