x8c8r / KRNL

A library that lets you create operating systems/shells in SPWN.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A library that lets you create operating systems/shells in SPWN.

How to install?

Run "spghtt" (install it first), use the "install" action, and type in "krnl".

You can also just copy the code from the repo, paste it in a file, and use import "krnl.spwn" instead.

Now create a new file in the same directory named "index.spwn", and paste this in:

let krnl = import krnl
	hworld: (args) {
	    let args = krnl.parse(args)
		if (args.args.length != 0) {
			if (args.args[0] == "--test" || args.args[0] == "-t") {
				$.print("Hello world, with test!")
		} else {
		    $.print("Hello World!")

krnl.init("Welcome to some operating system I made. Run 'hworld' to echo a Hello World example, and add -t or --test to test out arguments.")

Now run "spwn build index.spwn -l", and you should see a command line prompt. Type in "hworld", and you will see a "Hello World" message!

Now try adding -t or --test to the command. You should see "Hello world with test!" in the prompt. If you see this, it worked!


Some of the code is taken from Ash, for parsing command line arguments. Thanks to Specky, Fl1p, SeanDaSheep, and zTags for writing the code.




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A library that lets you create operating systems/shells in SPWN.