x1unix / sbda-ledger

:shipit: Backend for a social expenses ledger for groups of friends.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Backend for a social expenses ledger for groups of friends.

In this system, users are part of groups; a user can add an expense to the group, specifying how the expense has to be split. At any time, a user can request its balance, that will be the outstanding credits and debits for that users inside the group.

API documentation is available as OpenAPI/Swagger spec.




Integration tests (e2e) are described in e2e directory. Tests cover all cases, including data structure and routes validation.

  • Start environment with docker-compose start
  • Start back-end API with make run
  • Run tests with make e2e


I didn't have much time to cover code with unit tests, so most effort was done on integration testing. Integration tests cover all cases that could be covered by unit tests, so I don't think that it's critical.



  • Start DB and Redis containers with docker-compose start
    • Pre-create containers before start using docker-compose up -d (one time operation)
  • make run


Default location for migrations is db/migrations. Use make new-migration to create a new migration.

Use LGR_NO_MIGRATION environment variable to omit on-start migration.


Use make to build the project. Output binary will be located at target directory.


The service can be configured using environment variables, or a config file.

Use -c flag to provide path to a config file.

Environment variables

See config.go for more options.

Name Type Defaults Description
LGR_HTTP_ADDR string :8800 Interface to listen by HTTP server
LGR_DB_ADDRESS string postgres://localhost:5432/ledger Postgres DB address (URL or DSN)
LGR_REDIS_ADDRESS string localhost:6379 Redis server address
LGR_REDIS_USER string - Redis username
LGR_REDIS_PASSWORD string - Redis password
LGR_REDIS_DB int - Redis database number
LGR_MIGRATIONS_DIR string db/migrations Path to directory containing migration scripts
LGR_VERSION_TABLE string schema_migrations Name of a table, which contains database version
LGR_SCHEMA_VERSION int - Force set schema version (dangerous)
LGR_NO_MIGRATION bool false Skip database migration


:shipit: Backend for a social expenses ledger for groups of friends.

License:MIT License


Language:Go 98.9%Language:Makefile 1.1%