wzm2256 / Simple-JuliaSet

50 lines of python code for generating Julia Set. Enjoy!

Repository from Github https://github.comwzm2256/Simple-JuliaSetRepository from Github https://github.comwzm2256/Simple-JuliaSet

Simple code for plotting Julia Set.

The repository provides fast and preliminary python code for generating Julia Set. Roughly speaking, the Julia Set is the set of complex numbers that do not diverge to infinity under some repeated iterations. This code use the following iteration:

Z = Z*Z + c,

where Z and c are complex numbers. You can adjust c to get different types of Julia Set. For example, set c=-0.391-0.578i to get Siegel disk fractal. Some examples are shown in the root folder.


50 lines of python code for generating Julia Set. Enjoy!


Language:Python 100.0%