wzit / Srl

Srl is a flexible serialization library written in C++11.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


#include "Srl/Srl.h"

class YourClass {
    // handles basic data types
    int a = 10;
    // strings
    u32string b = U"string";
    // stl-containers
    vector<double> c { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 };
    // shared_ / unique_ptrs
    shared_ptr<int> d = make_shared<int>(5);
    // tuples
    tuple<bool, string, char> e { false, "tuple", 'N' };

public :
    // implement a srl_resolve method
    void srl_resolve (Srl::Context& ctx) {
        // tell the context what to serialize, field names are optional
        ctx ("a", a) ("b", b) ("c", c)
            ("d", d) ("e", e);

int main() {
    YourClass original;
    // serialize with Tree::store
    Srl::Tree tree;
    vector<uint8_t> bytes = tree.store<Srl::PJson>(original);
    //                                     |-> choose a parser
    // deserialize with Tree::restore
    YourClass restored = tree.restore<YourClass, Srl::PJson>(bytes);
    // or use streams
    ofstream fso("file");
    tree.store<Srl::PMsgPack>(original, fso);

    ifstream fsi("file");
    tree.restore<Srl::PMsgPack>(restored, fsi);
    // Thats it.
    return 0;


Processing documents

string json = "{ "
    "\"name\"    : \"cpp\","
    "\"version\" : 11"
// load a document
Tree tree;
tree.load_source<PJson>(json.c_str(), json.size());
// the root node
Node& root = tree.root();
// access values
auto version = root.value("version").unwrap<int>();
// or just 'paste'
string name;
// insert data
root.insert("extensions", { ".cpp", ".cc" });
// access nodes
Node& extensions = root.node("extensions");
// access by index
auto extension = extensions.value(2).unwrap<string>();
// unwrap nodes
auto vec = extensions.unwrap<vector<string>>();
// translate the tree - to plain bytes...
vector<uint8_t> bytes = tree.to_source<PJson>();
// ...or to a stream
tree.to_source<PJson>(cout); // will print...
    "name": "cpp", "version": 11, "extensions": [ ".cpp", ".cc", ".hpp" ]

Same output as a single expression

    "name", "cpp",
    "version", 11,
    "extensions", list<string> { ".cpp", ".cc", ".hpp" }

Serializing your types

Implement a resolve method to tell Srl how to handle your types

struct Lang {
    string name; int version; list<string> extensions;

    void srl_resolve (Srl::Context& ctx) {
        // Srl is order-agnostic
        ctx ("version", version) ("extensions", extensions) ("name", name);

You can either use a single resolve or dedicated store and restore methods

void srl_store   (Srl::StoreContext& ctx) const { ... }
void srl_restore (Srl::RestoreContext& ctx) { ... }

Taking the vector of bytes from above you could now call:

auto lang = Tree().restore<Lang, PJson>(bytes);

Handling non-default constructors

Objects are instantiated through a factory struct Srl::Ctor<T>. As default parameterless constructors are required. You can declare friend struct Srl::Ctor<YourClass> if you don't want to expose public default constructors. Or specialize Srl::Ctor<T> and define a custom T Create() method.

Handling polymorphic types

struct Base {
    // declare a srl_type_id method
    virtual const Srl::TypeID& srl_type_id();

    virtual void srl_resolve (Srl::Context& ctx) {
        ctx ("from_base", 5);

    virtual ~Base { }
// register a type in your implementation.cpp to avoid duplicate
// registrations of the same type
// no RTTI needed
const auto base_id = Srl::register_type<Base>("Base");
// return the ID
const Srl::TypeID& Base::srl_type_id() { return base_id; }

// same for derived types
struct Derived : Base {

    const Srl::TypeID& srl_type_id() override;

    void srl_resolve (Srl::Context& ctx) override {
        ctx ("from_derived", 10);

const auto derived_id = Srl::register_type<Derived>("Derived");
const Srl::TypeID& Derived::srl_type_id() { return derived_id; }

class Composite {
    // make private constructor accessible
    friend struct Srl::Ctor<Composite>;

    Composite() { }
    vector<unique_ptr<Base>> bases;

    Composite (initializer_list<Base*> bases_) {
        for(auto* b : bases_) {
    // cruise control
    void srl_resolve (Srl::Context& ctx) {
        ctx ("bases", bases);

    Base& at (size_t idx) { return *bases[idx].get(); }

// running...
Composite composite { new Derived(), new Base() };
Tree().store<PJson>(composite, cout);
// ...will print:
    "bases": [
            "srl_type_id": "Derived",
            "from_base": 5,
            "from_derived": 10
            "srl_type_id": "Base",
            "from_base": 5
/// access a polymorphic type 
Tree tree;
auto& bases = tree.root().node("bases");
auto derived = bases.node(0).unwrap<unique_ptr<Base>>();
// or
auto* base = bases.node(1).unwrap<Base*>();
assert(base->srl_type_id().name() == "Base");
// you are responsible for base*
delete base;
// unwrap as Composite
composite = tree.root().unwrap<Composite>();
assert(composite.at(0).srl_type_id().name() == "Derived");

Handling shared references

Simply use std::shared_ptr / std::weak_ptr

auto first  = make_shared<Lang>("objc", 2, list<string> { ".h", ".m", ".mm" });
auto second = first;
Tree().root().insert("first", first, "second", second)
             .to_source<PJson>(cout); // yields...
    "first": {
		"srl_shared_key": 0,
        "srl_shared_value": {
            "name": "objc",
            "version": 2,
            "extensions": [ ".h", ".m", ".mm" ]
	"second": {
		"srl_shared_key": 0

Handling binary data

Use Srl::BitWrap / Srl::VecWrap to serialize raw binary data

// in a srl_resolve method
struct SomeStruct {

  vector<uint8_t> binary;

  void srl_resolve(Context& ctx) {
    BitWrap wrap(
        // Pass a pointer to memory along with the size.
        // This data will be stored on ctx.mode() == Mode::Insert.
        binary.data(), binary.size(),
        // Pass a function f(size)->*mem, the function will be called on
        // ctx.mode() == Mode::Paste with the restored size of the
        // memory block as parameter. The restored data will be
        // copied to the returned pointer.
        [this](size_t size) -> uint8_t* {
            return binary.data();
    // pass the bit-wrap
    ctx ("data", wrap);

    // or just use the shortcut for serializing vectors as binary blobs
    ctx ("datavec", VecWrap<uint8_t>(binary));

// access binary data from a Srl::Tree
static uint8_t binary[] { 2, 4, 6, 8 };
Tree tree;

BitWrap wrap(binary, 4);
tree.root().insert("data", wrap);

wrap = BitWrap( [](size_t sz) { assert(sz == 4); return binary; } );

For text-based serialization formats binary data will be converted to a base64 string. Calling tree.to_source<PJson>(cout) on the Srl::Tree from above will yield:

    "data": "AgQGCA=="

Serialization formats

Srl supports 4 serialization formats:

  • Json
  • Xml
  • MessagePack
  • Srl, a custom space efficient binary format

Select a format by...

// ...passing the corresponding type as a template parameter
Tree tree;
// ...passing an instance
Srl::PXml xml;
auto bytes = tree.to_source(xml);

Output encoding for text-based formats is UTF-8. Input is also expected to be UTF-8. As of now no BOM-checking is done, so make sure text documents have the correct encoding before parsing. You can use convert_charset from Srl::Tools:: for converting to the appropriate character set.

Supported compilers

At least GCC 4.8 or Clang 3.2 are required. MSVC is lacking some vital C++11 features, so no support as of now.


MIT License.


Srl is a flexible serialization library written in C++11.

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 94.3%Language:C 4.6%Language:Makefile 1.1%