This repository have some handy schematics you can use to start a project quickly.
# install dependencies globally
yarn global add @angular-devkit/schematics-cli @wyntau/schematics
# go to the new or a exist project directory
mkdir newproject
cd newproject
# run schematic
schematics @wyntau/schematics:starter-javascript
These are the real starter you can use to quickly start a project.
- starter-javascript
These are some atom schematics you can combine together to add some toolchains to your new/exist project.
- toolchain-commitlint
- toolchain-eslint
- toolchain-husky
- toolchain-lerna
- toolchain-lint-recently
- toolchain-lint-staged
- toolchain-npm
- toolchain-nvm
- toolchain-patch-package
- toolchain-prettier
- toolchain-renovate
- toolchain-typescript
- toolchain-yarn
You can see the starter-javascript
to find more detail.