wynst / email_direct

Ruby wrapper for Email Direct SOAP service

Home Page:http://dev.emaildirect.com/v1/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Email Direct API

Ruby wrapper for emaildirect.com SOAP service

To use this gem, initialize with your account name and password. All the SOAP calls (found here: http://dev.emaildirect.com/v1/) are functions of the module with the same function name and parameters (minus the credentials). This gem depends on the serviceproxy and activesupport gems.


gem install email_direct


require 'email_direct'

username = 'username'
password = 'password'

@soap = EmailDirect::SOAP.new(username, password)
#uncomment this line for full debug info
#@soap.debug = true

element_name = 'RubyTestSource2'
description  = 'a test source item'

result = @soap.Source_Add("ElementName" => element_name, "Description" => element_name)
puts "Error Adding source " unless result.success?

result = @soap.Source_GetAll()
source = result.data["Element"].find {|e| e["ElementName"] == element_name}
pp source

puts "we're done with the test, delete the test source"
result = @soap.Source_Delete("SourceID" => source["ElementID"])


More specs


Ruby wrapper for Email Direct SOAP service


License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 100.0%