wvbirder / AlphaOfficeSetup

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


These scripts suuport various Workshops for the AlphaOffice usecase.

  1. AlphaOffice MYSQL setup uses: setupAlphaUser.sh createUserAlpha.sql createProducts.sql
These scripts will create the Alpha user in an AlphaOfficeDB MySQL instance. Once the Alpha user
is created the Product Catalog tables will be created and data loaded.
  1. AlphaOffice Container Service Classic REST API bonus lab: token_session alphaoffice-deploy.json alphaoffice-stack.json

    These scripts use the Container Service Classic REST API's to deploy the three containers created in previous labs. The images must be already pushed to a docker registry.

  2. AlphaOffice ORACLE database setup scripts (Modified to work with populating an EE version of the Oracle database obtained from the Oracle Docker Store ) The setupAlphaDB.sql is run from within a OracleDB container from SQLPLUS using the mounted volume that's defined for that container.

    The setup does the following: Sets NOARCHIVELOG to conserve container disk space Configures HTTP and HTTPS ports for Enterprise Express Creates the "alpha" user in the supplied PDB populates the PRODUCTS and PRODUCT_CATEGORIES tables

    Ex: (in container) sqlplus / as sysdba SQL> @/<your-mount-point/setupAlphaDB.sql

    setupAlphaDB.sql products.in categories.in



Language:JavaScript 99.5%Language:Shell 0.5%