wuziheng / learn-to-cluster

Learning to Cluster Faces on an Affinity Graph (CVPR 2019)

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Learning to Cluster Faces on an Affinity Graph (LTC) pdf


Learning to Cluster Faces on an Affinity Graph, CVPR 2019 (Oral) [Project Page]


Setup and get data

Install dependencies

conda install pytorch=0.4.1 cuda90 -c pytorch
conda install faiss-cpu -c pytorch
pip install -r requirements.txt

Download 1 part testing data from Google Drive or BaiduYun (passwd: yhhe).

  ├── features
    ├── part0_train.bin            # acbbc780948e7bfaaee093ef9fce2ccb
    ├── part1_test.bin             # ced42d80046d75ead82ae5c2cdfba621
  ├── labels
    ├── part0_train.meta           # 8573, 576494
    ├── part1_test.meta            # 8573, 584013
  ├── knns
    ├── part0_train/faiss_k_80.npz # 5e4f6c06daf8d29c9b940a851f28a925
    ├── part1_test/faiss_k_80.npz  # d4a7f95b09f80b0167d893f2ca0f5be5
  ├── pretrained_models
    ├── pretrained_gcn_d.pth.tar   # 213598e70ddbc50f5e3661a6191a8be1

Download entire benchmarks data (including above one) from GoogleDrive or OneDrive. The folder structure is the same as the data above.

[Optional] Download precomputed knns from OneDrive and move it to data folder. It can save a lot of time to search knn, especially in the large setting.

[Optional] Download the splitted image list from GoogleDrive or OneDrive. You can train your own feature extractor with the list.

[Optional] Download YTBFace data from GoogleDrive or OneDrive.


Fetch code & Create soft link

git clone git@github.com:yl-1993/learn-to-cluster.git
cd learn-to-cluster
ln -s xxx/data data


sh scripts/pipeline.sh


The scripts/pipeline.sh can be decomposed into following steps:

  1. Cluster Proposals generate multi-scale proposals with different k, threshold or maxsz.
sh scripts/generate_proposals.sh
  1. Cluster Detection
sh scripts/test_cluster_det.sh
  1. Deoverlap
sh scripts/deoverlap.sh [pred_score]
  1. Evaluation
sh scripts/evaluate.sh [gt_label] [pred_label]
  1. [Optional] GCN Upper Bound It yields the performance when accuracy of GCN is 100%.
sh scripts/gcn_upper_bound.sh


We follow the apis of mmdet to construct our training and testing. Checkout dsgcn/train_cluster_det.py and mmdet for more details.

  1. Generate proposals on part0_train Modify name to part0_train and generate proposals.
sh scripts/generate_proposals.sh
  1. Train cluster detection (gcn-d) Edit dsgcn/configs/cfg_train_0.7_0.75.yaml to use approriate proposals. Generally, more proposals, better performance.
sh scripts/train_cluster_det.sh

Results on part1_test

Method Precision Recall F-score
Approx Rank Order (knn=80, th=0) 99.77 7.2 13.42
MiniBatchKmeans (ncluster=5000, bs=100) 45.48 80.98 58.25
KNN DBSCAN (knn=80, th=0.7, eps=0.7, min=40) 62.38 50.66 55.92
FastHAC (dist=0.72, single) 92.07 57.28 70.63
CDP (single model, th=0.7) 80.19 70.47 75.02
GCN-D (0.7, 0.75) 95.41 67.79 79.26
GCN-D (0.7, 0.75) + iter1 (0.4, 2, 16) 95.52 68.81 80.00
GCN-D (0.65, 0.7, 0.75) 94.64 71.53 81.48
GCN-D (0.6, 0.65, 0.7, 0.75) 94.60 72.52 82.10

Generally, more proposals leads to better results. You can control the number of proposals to strike a balance between time and performance.


1, 3, 5, 7, 9 denotes different scales of clustering. Details can be found in Face Clustering Benchmarks.

Methods 1 3 5 7 9
CDP (single model, th=0.7) 75.02 70.75 69.51 68.62 68.06
GCN-D (0.7, 0.75) 79.26 75.72 73.90 72.62 71.63
GCN-D (0.6, 0.65, 0.7, 0.75) 82.10 77.63 75.38 73.91 72.77


Please cite the following paper if you use this repository in your reseach.

  title={Learning to Cluster Faces on an Affinity Graph},
  author={Yang, Lei and Zhan, Xiaohang and Chen, Dapeng and Yan, Junjie and Loy, Chen Change and Lin, Dahua},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},


Learning to Cluster Faces on an Affinity Graph (CVPR 2019)

License:MIT License


Language:Python 92.7%Language:Shell 7.3%