wushenwu / yara

A malware identification tool

Home Page:http://plusvic.github.io/yara/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

YARA in a nutshell

YARA is a tool aimed at (but not limited to) helping malware researchers to identify and classify malware samples. With YARA you can create descriptions of malware families (or whatever you want to describe) based on textual or binary patterns. Each description, a.k.a rule, consists of a set of strings and a boolean expression which determine its logic. Let's see an example:

rule silent_banker : banker
        description = "This is just an example"
        thread_level = 3
        in_the_wild = true

        $a = {6A 40 68 00 30 00 00 6A 14 8D 91}
        $b = {8D 4D B0 2B C1 83 C0 27 99 6A 4E 59 F7 F9}

        $a or $b or $c

The above rule is telling YARA that any file containing one of the three strings must be reported as silent_banker. This is just a simple example, more complex and powerful rules can be created by using wild-cards, case-insensitive strings, regular expressions, special operators and many other features that you'll find explained in YARA's documentation.

YARA is multi-platform, running on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X, and can be used through its command-line interface or from your own Python scripts with the yara-python extension.

Python users can also use yara-ctyles by Michael Dorman. He has also written a multi-threaded command-line YARA scanner based on yara-ctypes that can exploit the benefits of current multi-core CPUs when scanning big file collections.

If you are a Ruby user you can use yara-ruby, written by Eric Monti.

What's new in YARA 2.0

YARA has experiencied an almost complete rewrite for version 2.0, as a result this new version has the following advantages over previous ones:

  • It's faster, believe me, a LOT faster. With YARA 2.0 scanning speed is from 2X to 100X faster depending on your rules. The 100X speedup is only experienced with certain corner cases, but if you have a large and diverse set of rules you'll definitely notice the improvement.

  • Better multi-threading support. Previous versions of YARA were thread-safe up to a certain level. You could compile rules and scan multiple files simultaneously, provided that each thread was using its own set of compiled rules. In YARA 2.0 multiple threads can share the same compiled rules to scan multiple files at the same time. The new YARA's command-line scanner takes advance of that and is now multi-threaded, allowing to scan whole directories blazingly fast.

  • Rules can be saved to binary form. In the same way you would compile your program's source code to create an executable file, with YARA 2.0 you can compile your rules and save them into a binary file for later use. This way you can use pre-compiled rules without having to parse them again, or you can share rules with someone else without revealing the actual source code (but beware that each time you do that God kills a kitten).

The drawsbacks for this rewrite are:

  • You can find some incompatibilities in regular expressions. YARA 2.0 replaced external libraries like PCRE or RE2 with its own regular expression engine. Most regular expression features are present in the new implementation, but a few ones like POSIX character classes and backreferences are missing. If you were using RE2 instead of PCRE with previous versions of YARA you won't miss backreferences, because RE2 don't support them neither.

  • The C API provided by libyara has changed. If you're a developer using this API you'll need to make some changes to your application in order to adapt it to YARA 2.0. But don't worry, it won't be too much work and the benefits worth the effort. Users of yara-python are not affected, the Python interface remains the same.

Who's using YARA

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2.0.0 (26/12/2013)

  • Faster matching algorithm
  • Command-line scanner is now multi-threaded
  • Compiled rules can be saved to and loaded from a file
  • Added support for unbounded jumps
  • New libyara API

1.7.2 (02/12/2013)

  • BUGFIX: Regular expressions marked as both "wide" and "ascii" were treated as just "wide"
  • BUGFIX: Bug in "n of (<string_set>)" operator
  • BUGFIX: Bug in get_process_memory could cause infinite loop

1.7.1 (25/11/2013)

  • BUGFIX: Failing to detect one-byte strings at the end of a file.
  • BUGFIX: Strings being incorrectly printed when marked both as wide and ascii
  • BUGFIX: Stack overflow while following circular symlinks
  • BUGFIX: Expression "/re/ matches var" always matching if "var" was an empty string
  • BUGFIX: Strings marked as "fullword" were incorrectly matching in some cases.

1.7 (29/03/2013)

  • Faster compilation
  • Added suport for modulus (%) and bitwise xor (|) operators
  • Better hashing of regular expressions
  • BUGFIX: yara-python segfault when using dir() on Rules and Match classes
  • BUGFIX: Integer overflow causing infinite loop
  • BUGFIX: Handling strings containing \x00 characters correctly
  • BUGFIX: Regular expressions not matching at the end of the file when compiled with RE2
  • BUGFIX: Memory leaks
  • BUGFIX: File handle leaks

1.6 (04/08/2011)

  • Added support for bitwise operators
  • Added support for multi-line hex strings
  • Scan speed improvement for regular expressions (with PCRE)
  • yara-python ported to Python 3.x
  • yara-python support for 64-bits Python under Windows
  • BUGFIX: Buffer overflow in error printing

1.5 (22/03/2011)

  • Added -l parameter to abort scanning after a number of matches
  • Added support for scanning processes memory
  • Entrypoint now works with ELF as well as PE files
  • Added support for linking with the faster RE2 library (http://code.google.com/p/re2/) instead of PCRE
  • Implemented index operator to access offsets where string was found
  • Implemented new operator "for < quantifier > < variable > in < set or range > : (< expression >) "
  • BUGFIX: Memory leaks in yara-python
  • BUGFIX: yara.compile namespaces not working with filesources

1.4 (13/05/2010)

  • Added external variables
  • Scan speed improvements
  • Added fast scan mode
  • BUGFIX: crash in 64-bits Windows

1.3 (26/10/2009)

  • Added a C-like "include" directive
  • Added support for multi-sources compilation in yara-python
  • Added support for metadata declaration in rules
  • BUGFIX: Incorrect handling of single-line comments at the end of the file
  • BUGFIX: Integer underflow when scanning files of size <= 2 bytes

1.2.1 (14/04/2009)

  • libyara: added support for compiling rules directly from memory
  • libyara: interface refactored
  • libyara: is thread-safe now
  • BUGFIX: Invoking pcre_compile with non-terminated string
  • BUGFIX: Underscore not recognized in string identifiers
  • BUGFIX: Memory leak
  • BUGFIX: Access violation on xxcompare functions

1.2 (13/01/2009)

  • Added support for global rules
  • Added support for declaring alternative sub-strings in hex strings
  • Added support for anonymous strings
  • Added support for intXX and uintXX functions
  • Operator "of" was enhanced
  • Implemented new operator "for..of"
  • "widechar" is now "wide" and can be used in conjuntion with "ascii"
  • Improved syntax error reporting in yara-python
  • "compile" method in yara-python was enhanced
  • "matchfile" method in yara-python was substituted by "match"
  • Some performance improvements
  • BUGFIX: Wrong behavior of escaped characters in regular expressions
  • BUGFIX: Fatal error in yara-python when invoking matchfile with invalid path twice
  • BUGFIX: Wrong precedence of OR and AND operators
  • BUGFIX: Access violation when scanning MZ files with e_lfanew == -1
  • BUGFIX: Incorrect handling of hex strings in lexer

1.1 (05/01/2009)

  • Added support for strings containing null (\x00) chars
  • Added syntactic construct "x of them"
  • Regular expressions syntax changed
  • Now regular expressions can begin with any character

1.0 (24/09/2008)

  • First release


A malware identification tool


License:Apache License 2.0