wushenwu / passivetotal

Wrapper library for PassiveTotal.org's Web API

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The PassiveTotal gem is (currently) a thin wrapper around PassiveTotal.org's Web-based API.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'passivetotal'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install passivetotal

Command Line Tool

Included in the gem is a command-line tool, passivetotal, with the following usage:

Usage: bin/passivetotal [-v] [-u <username>] [-k <apikey>] <action flag> <query> [-i <value>]
-h                Help
-v                Verbose output
-u <username>     Sets the Username, defaults to the environment variable PASSIVETOTAL_USERNAME
-k <apikey>       Sets the APIKEY, defaults to the environment variable PASSIVETOTAL_APIKEY
ACTIONS (You have to select one, last one wins)  -m <ip or dom>  Queries metadata for given IP or domain
  -p <ip or dom>  Queries passive DNS data for given IP or domain
  -c <ip or dom>  Queries (or sets) the classification for a given IP or domain
  -t <ip or dom>  Queries (adds or removes) the tags associated with a given IP or domain
                  * To remove a tag, prepend a dash, '-' to the tag name when using the -i option
  -e <ip or dom>  Queries (or sets) the ever compromised flag on a given IP or domain
  -w <ip or dom>  Queries (or sets) the watched flag on a given IP or domain
  -s <dom>        Queries the subdomains for a given domain
  -d <dom>        Queries (or sets) if a domain is a dynamic DNS domain
  -x <ip>         Queries (or sets) if a given IP is a sinkhole
  -l <hash> Queries for SSL certificates/IP addresses associated with a given SHA-1 hash
  -H <ip or hash> Queries for SSL certificate history associated with a given IP or SHA-1 hash
  -T <ip or dom>  Queries for Tracker information associated with a given IP or domain
  -o <ip or dom>  Queries for OSINT on a given IP or domain
  -M <ip or dom>  Queries for Malware sample records for a given IP or domain
SETTING VALUES  -i <value>      Sets the value, used in conjuntion with -c, -t, -e, -w, -d, or -x
                  Valid values for -i depend on what it's used with:
                  -c : malicious, non-malicious, suspicious, unknown
                  -t : <a tag name consisting of characters: [a-zA-Z_]>
                  -e, -w, -d, -x: true, false


# Initialize the API wrapper with an apikey (using the default endpoint URL of https://api.passivetotal.org/v2/)
pt = PassiveTotal::API.new(user, apikey)
# Create an array to shove results into
res = Array.new

# Get account details your account.
res << @pt.account
# Get history associated with your account.
res << @pt.history
# Get notifications that have been posted to your account.
res << @pt.notifications
# Get details about the organization your account is associated with.
res << @pt.organization
# Get the teamstream for the organization your account is associated with.
res << @pt.teamstream
# Get source details for a specific source.
res << @pt.sources('riskiq')

# query passive DNS results for the domain, www.passivetotal.org
res << @pt.passive('www.passivetotal.org')
# query passive DNS results for the ipv4 address,
res << @pt.passive('')
# query for unique IPv4 resolutions of passivetotal.org
res << @pt.unique('passivetotal.org')

# query enrichment for the domain, www.passivetotal.org
res << @pt.enrichment('www.passivetotal.org')
# query enrichment for the ipv4 address,
res << @pt.enrichment('')
# Get malware data
res << @pt.malware('noorno.com')
# query for malware sample records by the ip addres
res << @pt.malware("")
# Get opensource intelligence data
res << @pt.osint("xxxmobiletubez.com")
# query for subdomains of passivetotal.org
res << @pt.subdomains('*.passivetotal.org')

# Get WHOIS data for a domain or IP address
res << @pt.whois("passivetotal.org")
# Get WHOIS records based on field matching queries.
res << @pt.whois("proxy4655031@1and1-private-registration.com", "email")

# query for the tags associated with www.chrisleephd.us
res << @pt.tags('www.chrisleephd.us')
# add the "cool" tag to www.chrisleephd.us
res << @pt.add_tag('www.chrisleephd.us', 'cool')
# remove the "cool" tag from www.chrisleephd.us (aww, I was cool for a few milliseconds :( )
res << @pt.remove_tag('www.chrisleephd.us', 'cool')    
# query for the classification of www.passivetotal.org
res << @pt.classification('www.passivetotal.org')
# set the classification of www.passivetotal.org as benign
res << @pt.classification('www.passivetotal.org', 'non-malicious')
# query if www.passivetotal.org has ever been listed as compromised
res << @pt.ever_compromised('www.passivetotal.org')
# set the ever_compromised flag for www.passivetotal.org to false to indicate that it was never compromised or that it is in sole control of a malicious actor.
res << @pt.ever_compromised('www.passivetotal.org', false)
# check if www.passivetotal.org is a dynamic dns domain/host
res << @pt.dynamic('www.passivetotal.org')
# flag www.passivetotal.org as not a dynamic dns domain/host
res << @pt.dynamic('www.passivetotal.org', false)
# check if www.passivetotal.org is being watched
res << @pt.monitor('www.passivetotal.org')
# unwatch www.passivetotal.org
res << @pt.monitor('www.passivetotal.org', false)
# query if is a sinkhole
res << @pt.sinkhole('')
# set as not a sinkhole
res << @pt.sinkhole('', false)

# Get detailed information about a host
res << @pt.components('passivetotal.org')
# Get all tracking codes for a domain or IP address.
res << @pt.trackers('passivetotal.org')
# Get hosts matching a specific tracker ID
res << @pt.trackers('UA-49901229', 'GoogleAnalyticsAccountNumber')

# list sites associated with SSL certificates with SHA-1 hash of e9a6647d6aba52dc47b3838c920c9ee59bad7034
res << @pt.ssl_certificate('e9a6647d6aba52dc47b3838c920c9ee59bad7034')
# list sites associated with SSL certificates with SHA-1 hash of e9a6647d6aba52dc47b3838c920c9ee59bad7034
res << @pt.ssl_certificate('2317683628587350290823564500811277499', 'serialNumber')
# retrieve certificate history based on SHA-1 hash of e9a6647d6aba52dc47b3838c920c9ee59bad7034
res << @pt.ssl_certificate_history('e9a6647d6aba52dc47b3838c920c9ee59bad7034')
# retrieve certificate history from IPv4 address of
res << @pt.ssl_certificate_history('')

# dump all this glorious information to feast your eyes upon
pp res


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/chrislee35/passivetotal.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


Wrapper library for PassiveTotal.org's Web API

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 99.8%Language:Shell 0.2%