wuminzhe / try_pug

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A template to create a rails 7 dev container.

  1. create a repo from this template.

  2. clone the repo to your local

  3. start a dev container for your local repo.

    I tried 1. vscode, 2. neovim + nvim-dev-container. both are ok.

  4. In your dev container

    1. (optional) service start cron if you need crontab to work.

    2. Generate your rails project in the dev container.

      # importmaps + propshaft (my prefer) 
      rails new . -a propshaft -d=postgresql
      # or, one of the following
      # importmaps + sprockets
      rails new . -d=postgresql
      # importmaps + sprockets + tailwind, https://techracho.bpsinc.jp/hachi8833/2022_02_17/115435
      rails new . --css tailwind -d=postgresql
      # importmaps + propshaft + tailwind
      rails new . --css tailwind -a propshaft -d=postgresql
      # (nodejs) esbuild + sprockets + tailwind
      rails new . --javascript esbuild --css tailwind -d=postgresql
      # (nodejs) esbuild + propshaft + bootstrap
      rails new . --javascript esbuild --css bootstrap -a propshaft -d=postgresql
    3. fix config/database.yml by adding the host, username and password to the development section.

      default: &default
         host: <%= ENV.fetch("DB_HOST") { "db" } %>
         username: <%= ENV.fetch("DB_USERNAME") { "postgres" } %>
         password: <%= ENV.fetch("DB_PASSWORD") { "password" } %>
      bundle exec rails db:create
    4. run your app in the container.

  5. now, everything is ready.
