wuestkamp / k8s-example-vpa

Kubernetes Example Vertical Pod Autoscaler

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Kubernetes Vertical Pod Autoscaler by example

Medium article: https://medium.com/@wuestkamp/k8s-vertical-pod-autoscaling-fd9e602cbf81?source=friends_link&sk=df7289cb35bcfdfa7f191546e6d555b6

NOTICE If some of the Prometheus queries are not working for you it might be because of pod_name or container_name have been renamed to pod and container in other metrics-server version.

run yourself

You need a cluster with VPA enabled, like with Gcloud:

gcloud container clusters create resources --num-nodes 3 --zone europe-west3-b --machine-type n1-standard-2 --node-version=1.15 --cluster-version=1.15 --enable-vertical-pod-autoscaling

Or you install the VPA CRDs manually in your cluster.

Install helm repos:

Helmfile is used for managing helm repos.

kubectl create ns grafana
kubectl create ns prometheus

# if you need to install metrics-server create the namespace and uncomment code in i/helm/helmfile.yaml
#kubectl create ns metrics-server

cd i/helm
helmfile diff
helmfile sync

Install k8s test app:

kubectl apply -f i/k8s


Run Grafana


Then head to http://localhost:3000/login

User: admin

Password: printed in the terminal output.

install Dashboard

Go to http://localhost:3000/dashboard/import and import the dashboard from i/grafana/dashboard.json

Use resources

kubectl run curl --image=curlimages/curl --rm --restart=Never -it sh

curl --data "millicores=400&durationSec=300" compute:8080/ConsumeCPU
curl --data "megabytes=400&durationSec=300" compute:8080/ConsumeMem

Prometheus queries


# container usage
rate (container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{pod_name=~"compute-.*", image!="", container!="POD"}[5m])

# container requests

# container limits

# throttling
rate(container_cpu_cfs_throttled_seconds_total{pod=~"compute-.*", container!="POD", image!=""}[5m])


# container usage
container_memory_working_set_bytes{pod_name=~"compute-.*", image!="", container!="POD"}

# container requests

# container limits


Kubernetes Example Vertical Pod Autoscaler


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