wuduhren / get-tweet

Get tweet by hashtags or from users.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Get Tweet


  1. Parameters. There are 3 parameters, hashtag, from, count.

    hashtag: Search the tweets with certain hashtag. You don't need to include the #. If you are looking for multiple hashtags, seperate the value by comma (,).

    from: Search the tweets sent from certain user account. If you are looking for tweets from multiple user accounts, seperate the value by comma (,).

    count: The max number of tweets return. The default is 15, maximum 100.

  2. Example

    Get the tweets that contain #75hard for maximum 4.


    Get the tweets that contain #75hard or #taiwan (or both).


    Get the tweets from KingJames.


    Get the tweets from KingJames or contain #75hard or contain #taiwan .

  3. Return data

    	statuses: [
    	search_metadata: {
    		completed_in: 0.033,
    		max_id: 1107824539931758600,
    		max_id_str: "1107824539931758592",
    		next_results: "?max_id=1106401684497018879&q=from%3AKingJames&count=4&include_entities=1",
    		query: "from%3AKingJames",
    		refresh_url: "?since_id=1107824539931758592&q=from%3AKingJames&include_entities=1",
    		count: 4,
    		since_id: 0,
    		since_id_str: "0"

    There are 4 tweets in statuses . There are some info about the search we made in search_metadata . It is useful for debug. There are many information in each tweet, so I will not show them all. Some data are worth noticing, such as.

    created_at: create time.
    text: the tweet context.
    user->name: user name.
    entities->hashtags: the hashtags in this tweet.
    urls->url: the url of this tweet (useful for debuging).

Get Bearer Token

  1. To use bearer tokens, we need to create a developer account. https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/basics/authentication/guides/bearer-tokens

  2. Create an Twiter APP. For the website feild, just key in any website, it doesn't matter.

  3. Get bearer token. Replace the YOUR_API_KEY and YOUR_API_SECRET below and copy it to terminal.

    curl -u 'YOUR_API_KEY:YOUR_API_SECRET' --data 'grant_type=client_credentials' 'https://api.twitter.com/oauth2/token'

    The return looks like

  4. Set the BEARER_TOKEN in tweet.php.


  1. I am running on MAMP local server for testing.

    PHP Version 5.6.32
    macOS 10.13.6

    You can install MAMP from https://www.mamp.info/en/downloads/ on MAC.

  2. Put the get-tweet directory under your www/. For simplexity, I use the browser for testing and demonstrating.

  3. Set the BEARER_TOKEN in tweet.php. I use the BEARER_TOKEN because we don't need the information that needs login to get; it is more suitable for our purpose.

What's Next

  1. I will store the BEARER_TOKEN in a seperated file. Get or invalidate it by private function. The purpose is to keep it from public access and manipulate it by hand.

  2. There are many complicated search we can do by Twitter API.






Get tweet by hashtags or from users.


Language:PHP 100.0%