wtm4080 / KnzkAlt


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Knzk.me Advent Calendar 20th (in Japanese)


  • iOS 11.2 or above.
  • Xcode 9.2 or above.

Prepare dependencies

$ pod install


KnzkApp License (Restricted BSD License)

To-Do list

For first release

  • Refactor and add unit tests

  • HockeyApp

  • Fastlane

  • CI

  • Timeline

    • Read more cell
    • Attachment detail view navigation
    • Bottom cell with activity indicator for auto past status loading
    • Connect WebSocket when scroll offset is nearly zero
    • Tap link to open Safari VC
    • Tap @ mention to open AccountDetailVC
    • Tap # tag to open Hashtag Timeline
    • Status created date refine
    • Coloring statuses by visibility
    • BT and Fav counts
    • Auto collapse content
    • Empty timeline cell
    • Convert BBCode to HTML
  • Status detail view

    • User icon
    • Display name
    • Account ID
    • Content
    • Attachments
    • External link details by OpenGraphProtocol
    • Created detailed date
    • Posting app name
    • BT and Fav counts
    • Visibility status
    • Action buttons
      • Rep, BT, Fav
      • Menu Action
        • Embed, reply, mute, block, report to admin
    • Update BT and Fav counts when showing status detail
      • Status on timeline should also be updated
    • Auto update by WebSocket or polling
  • Account detail view

    • Background image
    • Icon
    • Follow status
    • Follow button
    • Display name
    • Account ID
    • Content by BBCodeView
    • Two-Column table for itemized profile
    • Action menu button
      • Reply
      • Media
      • Mute BT
      • Mute
      • Block
      • Report to admin
    • Post count
    • Follow count
    • Follower count
    • Fixed toots
    • Post statuses (like Timeline)
    • Auto update by WebSocket or polling
  • Attachment detail view

    • for image
    • for video
    • consider NSFW status
  • Notification view

    • Category switch: All, Mention, Follow, BT, Fav
    • Notification sammary label
    • User icon
    • Other account icon
    • User display name
    • User account ID
    • User status visibility
    • Content sammary
    • Status detail view navigation
    • Account detail view navigation
    • Auto update by WebSocket or polling
    • Clear button
    • Sound effect
  • Toot view

    • Toot content text view
    • Emoji input view
    • Toolbar for insert BBCode
    • Visibility
    • CW
    • Post local only
    • Attachment button
      • Resize image
    • Input validation
    • Characters count
    • Toot button
  • User profile view

    • Like account detail view
    • Editing
      • Display name
      • Profile text
      • Icon
      • Background image (header)
      • Toggle private account
      • Account migration
      • Save button
    • Auto update by WebSocket or polling
  • Media cache to storage

    • Expiration handling
  • Toot cache to DB

    • Expiration handling
  • Menu view

    • Music player
    • Default toot visibility
    • Default NSFW status
    • Default CW
    • Default local only
    • Timeline filter
      • Keyword mute
      • Regex
    • Fav statuses
    • List feature
    • Hashtag Timeline
    • Follow requests
    • Muted users
    • Blocked users
    • Logout
    • Help
    • Cache management
    • Instance about page
    • Privacy policy
    • App version
    • Developer info
    • License info
  • Connection status handling

  • User search view

  • App icons

    • App icon
    • Tab bar icons
    • Rep, BT, Fav icons
    • Menu dots icon
  • Launch image

  • UI theme manager

    • Default dark theme
  • UI animations

  • Refine BBCodeView

    • Support to display user display name
  • Refine Timeline attachments stack view to collection view

  • Force touch media preview

  • Support latest Mastodon API features

    • Refine MastodonKit
  • iPad testing

  • Prepare for first release

    • GitHub
      • README
      • Lincense
    • AppStore

For later releases

  • Multi account support

  • Copy & Paste media to toot view

  • Receive media from other apps

  • Custom URI Scheme support

  • Support other Mastodon instances

    • Disable Knzk specific features (like local only toot)
  • Show favicon aside URL link

    • Fetch favicon by using OpenGraphProtocol
  • Show user icon aside @ mention link

  • Markdown support

  • Advanced toot view

    • Text selection menu for BBCode
    • Syntax highlight for @ mention, BBCode, Markdown
    • Preview
    • Draw picture
    • Hashtag auto completion
    • Prepend emoji to indicate BBCode and @ mention user
  • iPad UI

    • Pallarax scrolling for multiple timelies
  • Tutorial

  • Pleroma support

  • Diaspora support





Language:Swift 99.4%Language:Ruby 0.4%Language:Objective-C 0.3%