wtanaka / ansible-role-pngcrush

Ansible role to install pngcrush

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Build Status CircleCI


This ansible role installs pngcrush, an optimizer for PNG (Portable Network Graphics) files. It can be run from a commandline in an MSDOS window, or from a UNIX or LINUX commandline.

Its main purpose is to reduce the size of the PNG IDAT datastream by trying various compression levels and PNG filter methods. It also can be used to remove unwanted ancillary chunks, or to add certain chunks including gAMA, tRNS, iCCP, and textual chunks.

Example Playbook

- hosts: all
     - wtanaka.pngcrush


Default: True

When True, this role short-circuits itself if a pngcrush is already in the PATH.

All variables

The full set of configuration options available are visible in defaults/main.yml



Author Information
