This repository holds the files I use for initializing a new machine and my PowerShell prompt.
The theme for oh-my-posh can be found in the oh-my-config.json file.
This file is modified from Scott Hanselman's Gist here: shanselman/ohmyposhv3-v2.json
End result in current version:
Note: Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser -Policy RemoteSigned
I prefer to store modules under the AllUsers scope so those files are not constantly sync'd by OneDrive. The init.ps1 script will handle a few things:
- Installing requiredmodules
- Create an initial Secret vault called
if it does not already exists
Run the following command in an elevated PowerShell session
The PSReadLine customizations were modified from Scott Hanselman's profile Gist: shanselman/Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1
After running the init process above, open your PowerShell profile (e.g., notepad $profile
), and add the line below.
Adjust the path based on where you cloned this repository to your local machine
. c:\git\prompt\ps-profile.ps1
Things I'll never remember every time I setup a new device/machine Conda - SSL proxy issues, create
withssl_verify: {path to PEM file}