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How to install BinderHub in Repos to see and run code in github

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How to install BinderHub in Repos to see and run code in github

From Zero to Binder!

This document will walk you through taking a repository containing Python code and adding to it to make it runnable with a service like

One of the big hurdles to trying out other people's code is reproducing the exact environment that the code requires to run. Writing instructions that are correct for all possible cases is very hard. As a user applying imperfect instructions to your particular setup is very hard. Often it is also not clear where the "bug" is when things don't work. Should the instructions have mentioned that setting that obscure environment variable to an obscure value would break the instructions? Should you as user have know this? And will either the author or the user ever think of checking for obscure things like this?

One way to solve this is the approach BinderHub (the software behind takes. The authors provide machine-readable instructions for how to construct the environment. A machine will execute these instructions and if they do not work, it is clear the instructions need updating. The construction of the environment starts from the same "base" for every possible project, which makes it easier for users to help out with fixing the instructions.

Creating a repository to "binderize"

To get started let's create a new repository that we can use during this exercise to demonstrate how to "binderize" a repository.

What is "binderizing" a repo? A (not so great) name for creating the instructions that BinderHub can understand to create the environment your code needs.

To do:

  1. Head over to and create a new repository called "my-first-binder"
  2. Create a file called via the web interface with print("Hello from Binder") on the first line

Launch your first repository

You just created a repository that is compatible with Binder! Before we explain how this can be, head over to and see for yourself.

The interface you see on let's you specify the repository you want to have started.

To do:

  1. Type the URL of your repository into the "GitHub repo or URL" box (should be something like
  2. As you type the URL the webpage will generate a link you can share with others in the "Copy the URL below..." box. It should look something like:
  3. Copy it, open a new tab and visit that URL

When you visit a URL like you will see a big spinner like this:

In the background several things are happening while you wait. BinderHub is:

  • fetching your repository from,
  • analysing the contents of the repository,
  • creating a Docker image based on what it finds,
  • launching the newly created image for you in the cloud, and
  • finally connecting you to it via your browser.

If everything went smoothly you should be greeted by a page that looks like this:

One of the default dependencies that is installed for you is Jupyter which provides this interface for you.

To see your code run click (on the far right next to the "Upload" and "Last Modified" buttons) "New -> Terminal". This will open a new tab with a terminal. To run your code type python

Using other libaries

It was easy to get started but so far the environment which is created is pretty barebones. Let's add some dependencies.

The tool that analysis your repository to find what dependencies need to be installed looks for files that are already in use by the respective programming language communities. It checks for Python dependencies by looking for a requirements.txt file.

To do:

  1. in your repository on GitHub create a file called requirements.txt
  2. add a line to requirements.txt that reads numpy==1.14.5
  3. after adding the file and checking its name for typos
  4. visit again in a new tab

You will see the big spinner again. While the spinner is spinning click on the big horizontal grey bar that reads "Build logs". It will unfold and let you watch the progress of your container being built. Looking at this is useful when your build fails or something you think should be installed does not get installed.

Once your repository launches you should be greeted by the now familiar file browser view provided by Jupyter.

To check that Numpy was installed and is ready for use open a new notebook (click New -> Python 3). Type the following code into a cell of the new notebook:

import numpy

If you run this cell you will see a random number printed out.

Sharing your work

Binder is all about sharing your work. There are two ways to let others use your repository on

  1. share the URL with people
  2. visit, type in the URL of your repository and copy the Markdown or Restructure Text snippet. The snippet will render a nice badge that people can click

To do:

  1. add the Markdown snippet to the in your GitHub repository
  2. click the badge to make sure it works


Brief pause for questions.

Putting data into your Binder

So far we covered how to get software dependencies installed. Another kind of dependency for projects is data. There are a few ways to make data available in your Binder. Which is the best one depends on how big your data is and your preferences for sharing data.

Small public files

The simplest approach for small data files that are public is to add them directly to your GitHub repository. This way they are directly baked into the environment and versioned together with your code.

Works well for files with sizes up to maybe 10MB.

Medium public files

For medium sized files, a few 10s of megabytes to a few hundred megabytes, you can add a special file named postBuild to your repository.

To do:

  1. go to your GitHub repository and create a file called postBuild
  2. in your postBuild add a single line reading wget -q -O gapminder.csv
  3. in your requirements.txt add line with pandas on it to add the pandas library and one with matplotlib on it. This is not needed to get data, we are adding it because it is a good option for reading CSV files and making plots.
  4. click the Binder badge

Once your Binder launches you should see that a new file that was not part of your repository has appeared.

To see the data create a new notebook and use the below code to make a plot:

%matplotlib inline

import pandas

data = pandas.read_csv('gapminder.csv', index_col='country')

# Extract year from last 4 characters of each column name
years = data.columns.str.strip('gdpPercap_')
# Convert year values to integers, saving results back to dataframe
data.columns = years.astype(int)


The data and code snippet were taken from a Software Carpentry lesson.

The contents of the postBuild file is a shell script that is executed as part of the container image construction. This means it is only executed once when the image is built, not every time it is launched.

Large public files

For large files it is not practical to place them in your GitHub repository nor to include them directly in the image.

Note: technically we can not stop you from including very large files in your image. However large images take longer to launch, as well as taking up storage space that has to pay for. Be considerate.

The best option for large files is to use a library specific to the data format to stream the data as you are using it. Or if you have to download it on demand as part of your code.

There are a few restrictions on outgoing traffic from your Binder that are imposed by the team operating Currently only connections to HTTP and Git are allowed. This comes up when people want to use FTP sites to fetch data. For security reasons FTP will never be allowed on

Note: to start a discussion of opening additional ports create a new issue on the repository

Private files

There currently is no way to access files which are not public from

For security reasons you should consider all information in a Binder as public. This means:

  • there should be no secrets (passwords, tokens, keys, etc) in your GitHub repository
  • you should not type passwords into a running Binder on
  • you should not upload your private SSH key or API token to a running Binder

To support access to private files you will have to create a local deployment of BinderHub where you can then decide on the security trade offs yourself.

Beyond requirements.txt

There are a few more ways you can specify what dependencies to install. Take a look at the complete list:

Configuring what visitors see

You can influence what people who click your link see.

Directly opening a notebook

You can direct your users directly to a notebook by adding an option to the URL:


Using Jupyter lab

Jupyter lab is installed by default and you can switch to using it by changing the URL you visit to:


How to install BinderHub in Repos to see and run code in github

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%