wsdo / figagi


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FigAGI Engine

The FigAGI (fa) engine integrates multi-document data import functionality and vector database management, combined with the capabilities of the OpenAI model, enhancing the search for private data.

Core Features

  • Multi-Format Compatibility: Supports the import of various file formats including JSON, TXT, MD, and PDF.
  • Efficient Vector Retrieval: Provides powerful vector data search functionality.
  • Smooth Conversational Interaction: Supports continuous conversational interaction experience.

Quick Installation

Install ta as a global command:

pip install -e .

Environment Configuration Steps

Step One: Set Environment Variables

  1. Create .env File: First, copy the .env.example file to a new .env file. This can be done in the terminal using the following command:

    cp .env.example .env
  2. Configure OpenAI Key: Enter your OpenAI key in the .env file.

    • The method for obtaining the OpenAI API key can be found in the AGI Classroom Manual.
    • Enter your key after OPENAI_API_KEY.


    OPENAI_API_KEY='Your OpenAI Key'

Step Two: Obtain Weaviate Database Configuration

  1. Register with Weaviate: Visit the Weaviate website, register an account, and log in to create a free vector database.

  2. Configure Database Information: Obtain WEAVIATE_URL and WEAVIATE_API_KEY and fill them in the .env file.

    Note: The free service is valid for 14 days.

Step Three: Import Data

Use the following command to import data into the TA engine:

ta import --path data

Step Four: Start Web Service

Start the local web service with the following command:

python server/

The service will run on the local port

Additional Information

  • Configure the BYPASS_AUTH=1 environment variable to run the program without using LDAP authentication.




Language:Python 48.6%Language:JavaScript 33.4%Language:CSS 18.0%