wsdjeg / lookup

Vim plugin to provide quick lookup of vimscript function/command/var definition/references/docs.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Lookup is a plugin for vim script developers which provides functionality to quickly and easily lookup docs for vim elements, or in the case of user defined functions, commands, or variables, find the definition or occurrences of the element.

While editing a vim file, you can lookup the element under the cursor using:


You can also map this command so that you simply need to hit <cr> on an element to look it up by adding the following to a ftplugin/vim_lookup.vim file in your vimfiles directory (%HOME%/vimfiles on Windows, ~/.vim on Linux/OSX):

if bufname('%') !~ '^\(command-line\|\[Command Line\]\)$'
  nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <cr> :Lookup<cr>

For more details please see the lookup vim docs (:help lookup).


Vim plugin to provide quick lookup of vimscript function/command/var definition/references/docs.


Language:Vim Script 96.1%Language:Makefile 3.9%