wqruan / Ensuring-Fairness-Beyond-the-Training-Data

Linear programs to check for machine learning fairness.

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Ensuring Fairness Beyond the Training Data

Preliminary Tests

main/Part1_CheckFairness just contains some preliminary tests we did on COMPAS and Adult to see how existing fair classifiers performed vs. standard LogisticRegression. These can be safely ignored.

Examining Marginal Distributions and Perturbations

Can be found in main/Part1_Marginal. In these files, we used existing fair classifiers to check how non-robust they were to weighted perturbations in the data. to visualize this, we plot the marginal distributions of each feature in the data, doing this for Adult and COMPAS. We find that the marginals are almost identical, but fairness is quickly violated. These experiments correspond to Figure 1 in the paper.

Training Robust Classifier

Our robust classifier algorithms (Algorithms 1, 2, and 3) can be found in the main/Part2_MetaAlgo_FTRL directory. The main files here are:

  1. main.py: The file that runs everything, and trains your robust classifier. It will output a single .pkl file that contains the robust classifier in the form of a VotingClassifier object. Hyperparameters can be tweaked using this file and the command line arguments specified in the file. For instance, if I want T_inner = 50 and T = 200 with epsilon = 0.05, I would run: python main.py --T_inner 50 --T 200 --epsilon 0.05 The details/flags available are in the file. Paths to csv files/data are also all in that file.
  2. meta_algo.py: Algorithm 1 in the paper/the outer loop. Everything else gets run from here.
  3. bayesian_oracle.py: Algorithm 3 in the paper/the inner loop, AKA the ApxFair algorithm.
  4. lambda_best_response_param_parallel.py: Algorithm 2 in the paper/the LPs. This is the best response from the Lambda player in the ApxFair algorithm.

Can be safely ignored/helper files:

  1. evaluate_fairness.ipynb: just helps me make some pretty graphs.
  2. voting_classifier.py: the helper file that contains the VotingClassifier class I use to wrap multiple hypotheses into a majority vote classifier. this is called in the functions above, but no need to look into it.

For the exact experiments that we ran in the paper (with tuned hyperparameters), run final_DP_1000.sh and final_EO_500.shfor training robust classifiers on all the train/test splits and all datasets.


The evaluation and comparison of the robustness of our classifier can be done through main/Part3_Comparisons. There is a notebook for each dataset and fairness definition, the saved plots under neurips-plots and all of our trained models in trained_robust. The ensemble_final folder in trained_robust contains all the models we used for our experiments. The h0_final contains the models that are given only by running ApxFair (i.e. one iteration of the inner loop).

Because of file size requirements for subimssion to NeurIPS, we only include the trained models for the first train/test split. However, running final_DP_1000.sh and final_EO_500.sh will duplicate the exact conditions to train the models for all five train/test splits for each dataset and fairness definition.

How To Run

Get off the ground by setting up the basic environment just using the included environment.yml file: conda env create -f environment.yml This should be sufficient to start running main.py. An example run:

python main.py --T_inner 50 --T 200 --epsilon 0.05

There are a lot more tweakable hyperparameters than can be changed through command line; just check the main.py file to see all of those flags. Every hyperparameter corresponds to the symbols used in the paper.


Linear programs to check for machine learning fairness.


Language:Jupyter Notebook 97.7%Language:Python 2.0%Language:Shell 0.2%Language:R 0.1%