Reproduce the Detail screen below in Flutter.
- Clone the repo and work on your copy.
- Design the screen above using your knowledge of layout.
- Download the app fonts from here
- Carefully select and use from the colors listed below:
- A9A9A9
- 000000
- 303030
- E23E3E
- Your ability to design the view above and have it display static data.
- Your ability to break the design down into reusable widget - good code structuring
- Commit at meaningful points such as after adding the Image (Hero) section, then after the Title section and so on.
- After completion, create a
file and add it to your repo. - Add a description of your project and a screenshot of your final project after running the app, as I have added the design above.
Feel free to make use of git as you wish, I only selected those steps to guide you.