wpsmith / wordpress-faq-manager

Uses custom post types and taxonomies to manage an FAQ section for your site. Includes a set of custom tags and taxonomies to organize, and shortcode for display options.

Home Page:http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wordpress-faq-manager

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

FAQ Manager

Contributors: norcross

Donate link: http://andrewnorcross.com/donate

Tags: frequently asked questions, FAQ, shortcodes, custom post types

Requires at least: 4.0

Tested up to: 4.7

Stable tag: 2.0.0

License: GPLv2 or later

License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html


Uses custom post types and taxonomies to manage an FAQ section for your site. Includes a set of custom taxonomies to organize, and shortcode options for different display configurations. See the FAQ section for complete setup options.


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Upload the 'wordpress-faq-manager' folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory or install via the WP admin panel
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. That's it.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does this do?

It uses the custom post type feature to create a dedicated FAQ section in your WordPress site, including categories and tags exclusive to them.

How Do I Use It?

Each FAQ acts like a "post". You can assign your own categories (called topics) or tags and organize as you see fit. You can also use shortcodes to place them on any page as follows:

  • For the complete list: place [faq] on a post / page

  • For a single FAQ: place [faq faq_id="ID"] on a post / page

  • List all from a single FAQ topic category: place [faq faq_topic="topic-slug"] on a post / page

  • List all from a single FAQ tag: place [faq faq_tag="tag-slug"] on a post / page

  • List all from multiple FAQ tags: place [faq faq_tag="tag-slug-1, tag-slug-2"] on a post / page

  • List all from both FAQ topcis and FAQ tags: place [faq faq_topic="topic-slug-1" faq_tag="tag-slug-2"] on a post / page

The list will show 10 FAQs based on your sorting (if none has been done, it will be in date order).

  • To display only 5: place [faq limit="5"] on a post / page

  • To display ALL: place [faq limit="-1"] on a post / page

  • For a list with a title and link to full FAQ: place [faqlist] on a post / page

  • For a list with a group of titles that link to complete content later in page: place [faqcombo] on a post / page

  • For a list of taxonomies (topics or tags) with a link to their respective archive page: place [faqtaxlist type="topics"] or [faqtaxlist type="tags"] on a post / page

  • For a list of taxonomies (topics or tags) with their description: place [faqtaxlist type="topics (or tags)" desc="true"] on a post / page


###1. The "Add New FAQ" area

[missing image]

###2. Example of collapsed FAQs

[missing image]

###3. Example of expanded FAQs

[missing image]



  • total refactoring. I mean, totally.


  • added German language support. Props @PowieT


  • added French language support. Props @straw94


  • replaced custom function with native admin columns for FAQ taxonomies
  • removed 'answers' from FAQ table due to translation issues
  • tweaked CSS to include FAQ icon in all related areas.


  • small bugfix on markup for shortcode combo


  • added optional 'back to top' link for combo FAQ list


  • added option to redirect all FAQ content to a single FAQ page


  • added option to disable content_filter on output (added on 1.324)


  • applying filters to content output for shortcodes, etc
  • beginning internationalization support
  • moved widgets into a separate file for organization


  • minor bugfix for conflicts with certain commerical forms plugins


  • fixed RSS inclusion bug


  • fixed IE9 expand / collapse bug
  • added version number to CSS and JS files


  • added optional inclusion of permalink below expanded entries


  • added ability to change single FAQ slugs


  • added taxonomy list shortcode
  • revamped settings and instructions page
  • CSS cleanup


  • modified expand / collapse to close all other FAQs when one is opened
  • added expand / collapse speed option


  • added standard post classes for taxonomy archives


  • added standard post classes for themes with narrow CSS


  • bugfix on plugin page menu links


  • added optional jQuery smooth scrolling effect for FAQ Combo shortcode
  • added links to settings and instructions page on plugin table


  • fixed bug in Random FAQ widget and and added variable for 'see more' text and number. Props @jupiterwise


  • added faqcombo shortcode to allow for a list of FAQ titles that inner-link to the content on the page


  • added CSS for printing to auto-expand FAQs (does not affect screen)
  • fixed jQuery expand bug that was causing FAQs to be collapsed at all times.


  • removed the 'public' option (it was misleading)
  • added SEO options (noindex, nofollow, and noarchive)


  • bugfix with URL source of files (for reals this time)
  • Search widget to search just FAQs


  • bugfix with URL source of files
  • added a user permissions filter faq-cap to all related admin menu pages. See the Codex on user_has_cap filter to adjust.


  • updated FAQ sort page to match user permissions of settings page


  • MAJOR code cleanup
  • converted code base to OOP
  • serialized settings storage in DB
  • consolidated widgets


  • Added fallbacks if user doesn't save settings


  • Removed version number for script and CSS enqueues for better cache setup
  • New icon


  • Code cleanup for 3.3


  • Added FAQ slug as title anchor
  • Optional H type selector (H1, H2) for better theme compatibility


  • Included optional jQuery AJAX pagination (thanks to @JohnPBloch and @DanDenney for the help)


  • Slight markup change (switching a span class to a div)
  • Cleaned up function to include optional jQuery collapse


  • Restored the single FAQ title on the "Random FAQ" widget


  • bug fix where markup in post editor screen would break layout on admin panel.


  • added 3 additional widgets
  • code cleanup via suggestions by @Yoast
  • Included wpautop function to display line breaks / lists / etc.


  • included optional jQuery collapse / expand
  • added second shortcode option [faqlist]
  • added instructions page within FAQ submenu


  • added option to control number of FAQs displayed via shortcode. See the How To section of the readme for more info


  • Fixed path for CPT icon
  • Updated user documentation


  • Initial release

Upgrade Notice


  • All the settings are now gone and replaced via filter. However, there is a legacy file that will check for your existing settings and use those values if they exist.


  • All the markup changed from using underscores to dashes, i.e. <div class="faq_list"> to <div class="faq-list">. If you have any custom CSS, you will need to update it.


  • Note: you MUST re-save your settings based on changed made.


  • Fixed query for number of FAQs displayed


  • No fundamental changes

Potential Enhancements

  • Got a bug? Something look off? Hit me up.


Uses custom post types and taxonomies to manage an FAQ section for your site. Includes a set of custom tags and taxonomies to organize, and shortcode for display options.



Language:PHP 88.7%Language:JavaScript 8.6%Language:CSS 2.7%