wplf / Compass_Unified_Parser

armchina NPU parser

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Compass Unified Parser

Compass Unified Parser is designed for converting multi-framework models to a float Intermediate Representation (IR), which aligns with the standard IR definition of Arm China Zhouyi AIPU Neural Network (NN) compiler.

Parser process flow and design philosophy

The main objective of the Parser is to convert a trained model to a float IR feeding to OPT(optimizer). Below is the process flow of the Parser.

  1. A model will be fed in by an unified configuration file.

  2. The entry point: Configuration reader will parse the config file, and dispatch the job to a supported reader.

  3. One of supported readers will take over the input model. There are two steps for reading the model:

    • Parse the model file(for example, protobuf/flattenbuf/json or private format) and build a raw graph for the model
    • convert the raw graph nodes to unified nodes, for example:
      • Merge several TensorFlow nodes to one GRUSeq node
      • Convert caffe detectionoutput node to detectbox and nms
  4. The reader will generate a unified graph, then pass to the front-end optimizer

  5. The front-end optimizer will operate on the unified graph. It will merge or eliminate some nodes for OPT, for example:

    • Merge conv and add to one node
    • Merge conv/fc and batchnorm
    • Eliminate useless node: a transpose node with permutation in order
  6. After optimization, do once shape inference, for getting all tensor shape.

  7. Do some additional passes, for example:

    • Add post-process nodes for some models
  8. Serialize to file.

Graph and Node design

In this Parser, we use Graph and Node to represent models just like common framework. We use linked list type to represent the graph.

The Graph only keeps all nodes, and the topology info will be stored in Node by linking other Node.

Node represents the IR's layer, which can be serialized simply by serialize method.

More about the design of the Parser

  • The Parser only supports fixed shape graph i.e. static graph, and it will do multi times shape inference.
  • After each graph operation, such as merge, convert, and eliminate, a shape inference is preferred, except you are sure that the shape is correct.
    • This is because any graph operation may change the topology of the graph, and the shape may be changed as well.
    • If some parameters can be only known after known shape, then put the parameters process in shape inference stage.
  • Optimization passes only support unified graph, so put all framework dependent passes in the model reader part, because these passes can not be used for other frameworks.

Quick Start

Installation instructions

The Parser is a part of Compass AIPUBuilder(NN-Compiler). You can follow the instruments of Compass AIPUBuilder to install the AIPUBuilder. After installing the AIPUBuilder, the Parser is available.

Or you can build AIPUBuilder by yourself with Compass_Integration. You can follow the guid in Compass_Integration, then you will build a AIPUBuilder with the Parser. You can read the Zhouyi_Compass_Software_Programming_Guide_61010011_0205_01_en.pdf document in the MiniPkg for the usage.

Besides, the Parser can also run independently. Before running the main.py, please make sure the following requirements are met


  • python (3.8 or higher)
  • numpy
  • onnx (> 12)
  • protobuf
  • flatbuffers
  • tensorflow (== 2.6)
  • torch

Run the Parser

The Parser uses a config file(.ini) as input. You can directly run the main.py with your configure file as follows:

python3 main.py -c my_config.ini

Config file format

All options are under the Common section:

  • input_shape [required]

    The input shape(s) of model. Usually it is a single tensor shape, for example: input_shape=[1,224,224,3]

    If you have several inputs, please use comma the separate them, for example: input_shape=[1,224,224,3],[1,112,112,3]

  • model_name [required]

    The name for the input model

  • model_type [optional]

    The framework of the input model. By default is tensorflow. Currently it supports:

    • tensorflow
    • tflite
    • onnx
    • caffe
  • model_domain [required]

    The domain of the model, for example:

    • image_classification
    • object_detection
    • keyword_spotting
    • speech_recognition
  • detection_postprocess [required when model_domain is object_detection]

    If your model_domain is object_detection, and if you are using the official detection model, please specify your detection post process. Now it only supports two types of post process:

    • caffe_fasterrcnn
    • ssd
    • ssd_resnet
    • yolo2
    • yolo3_tiny
    • yolo3_full
  • input_model [required]

    File path of the input 3rd party model. Currently tensorflow frozen pb, tflite, caffe and onnx models are supported.

  • input [required]

    The input(s) node(s)' name of the model. If you have several inputs, use , to separate each one.

  • output [required]

    The output(s) node(s)' name of the model. If you have several outputs, use , to separate each one.

Config sample

input_shape = [1,224,224,3]
model_name = resnet50
model_domain = image_classification
detection_postprocess =
input_model = resnet50/frozen.pb
input = Placeholder
output = resnet_v1_50/predictions/Reshape

For more examples, please refer to examples.

Run examples

First, you should download the model via download_model.sh in the model_framework folder in examples

sh examples/tensorflow/download_model.sh

Then, config the input/output tensor information in example.cfg

model_type = tensorflow
model_name = gru_l
model_domain = image_classification
input_model = ./GRU_L.pb
input = Mfcc:0
input_shape = [1, 49, 10]
output = labels_softmax:0
output_dir = ./

Run run_example.py

  • --framework [optional]

    Specify the example to run, default is tensorflow.

  • --input_data [optional]

    Specify the input data to feed, random data used if not present.

python3 run_example.py --framework [specify example] --input_data [specify feed data]


armchina NPU parser

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 99.8%Language:Shell 0.2%