wpank / research

Research related to Libra Core development from the Calibra Research team.

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This repository is dedicated to sharing research material and scientific contributions by Calibra researchers towards Libra Core development.


The LibraBFT simulator

In relation to the LibraBFT whitepaper State Machine Replication in the Libra Blockchain, we are providing a minimal, reference implementation of the LibraBFT protocol in a discrete-event simulated environment.


RUST_LOG=warn cargo run --bin librabft_simulator

This simulator is provided for research-purpose only and is not meant to be used in production. It will continue to evolve along with the LibraBFT whitepaper.

Example output:

    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.17s
     Running target/debug/librabft_simulator
[2019-09-26T16:21:49Z WARN  librabft_simulator::record_store] Creating new record store for epoch: EpochId(0), initial_hash: QuorumCertificateHash(0), initial_state: State(13646096770106105413), configuration: EpochConfiguration { voting_rights: {Author(0): 1, Author(1): 1, Author(2): 1}, total_votes: 3 }
[2019-09-26T16:21:49Z WARN  librabft_simulator::record_store] Creating new record store for epoch: EpochId(0), initial_hash: QuorumCertificateHash(0), initial_state: State(13646096770106105413), configuration: EpochConfiguration { voting_rights: {Author(0): 1, Author(1): 1, Author(2): 1}, total_votes: 3 }
[2019-09-26T16:21:49Z WARN  librabft_simulator::record_store] Creating new record store for epoch: EpochId(0), initial_hash: QuorumCertificateHash(0), initial_state: State(13646096770106105413), configuration: EpochConfiguration { voting_rights: {Author(0): 1, Author(1): 1, Author(2): 1}, total_votes: 3 }
[2019-09-26T16:21:49Z WARN  librabft_simulator] Commands executed per node: [

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The content of this repository is licensed as Apache 2.0


Research related to Libra Core development from the Calibra Research team.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Rust 98.6%Language:Python 1.4%