wozzup / thread

An async multi-threaded task dispatcher built on the amp concurrency framework

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The Amp\Thread library parallelizes synchronous PHP function calls to worker thread pools in non-blocking applications. The library dispatches blocking calls to worker threads where they can execute in parallel and returns results asynchronously upon completion.

Problem Domain

PHP has a vast catalog of synchronous libraries and extensions but it's generally difficult to find libs for use inside non-blocking event loops. Beyond this limitation there are common tasks (like filesystem IO) which don't play nice with the non-blocking paradigm. Amp exposes threaded concurrency in a non-blocking way to execute discrete tasks in worker threads.

NOTE: This library is not intended for use in PHP web SAPI environments. It doesn't make much sense to fire up a thread pool and socket streams for inter-thread communication on every request in a web SAPI environment. Amp\Thread is designed for use in CLI applications.



function slowAddition($x, $y) {
    return $x + $y;

try {
    $dispatcher = new Amp\Thread\Dispatcher;

    $a = $dispatcher->call('slowAddition', 1, 5);
    $b = $dispatcher->call('slowAddition', 10, 10);
    $c = $dispatcher->call('slowAddition', 11, 31);

    // Combine these three promises into a single promise that
    // resolves when all of the individual operations complete
    $comboPromise = Amp\all([$a, $b, $c]);

    // Our three calls will complete in one second instead of
    // three because they all run at the same time
    list($a, $b, $c) = $comboPromise->wait();
    var_dump($a, $b, $c);


} catch (Exception $e) {
    printf("Something went wrong:\n\n%s\n", $e->getMessage());

Project Goals

  • Expose threaded multiprocessing inside event-driven non-blocking applications;
  • Build all components using SOLID, readable and unit-tested code.



$ git clone git@github.com:amphp/thread.git
$ cd thread
$ composer install

The Guide


Basic Usage

Advanced Usage


Event Loop Basics

NOTE: Because threads use Amp concurrency primitives it's possible to execute tasks in parallel with zero knowledge of event loops. You can find out more in the Naive Wait Parallelization and Parallelization Combinators sections.

Executing code inside an event loop allows us to use non-blocking libraries to perform multiple IO operations at the same time. Instead of waiting for each individual operation to complete the event loop assumes program flow and informs us when our tasks finish or actionable events occur. This paradigm allows programs to execute other instructions when they would otherwise waste cycle waiting for slow IO operations to complete. The non-blocking approach is particularly useful for scalable network applications and servers where the naive thread-per-connection approach is untenable.

Unfortunately, robust applications generally require synchronous functionality and/or filesystem operations that can't behave in a non-blocking manner. Amp was created to provide non-blocking applications access to the full range of synchronous PHP functionality without blocking the main event loop.

NOTE: It's critical that any non-blocking libs in your application use the same event loop scheduler. The Amp dispatcher uses the Amp event reactor for scheduling.

Because Amp executes inside an event loop, you'll see all of the following examples create a new event reactor instance to kick things off. Once the event reactor is started it assumes program control and will not return control until your application calls Reactor::stop().

Learn more about the Amp event reactor.

Basic Usage

Basic Calls

The simplest way to use the thread library is to dispatch calls to global functions:

// Everything happens inside an event reactor loop
(new Amp\NativeReactor)->run(function($reactor) {

    // Create our task dispatcher
    $dispatcher = new Amp\Thread\Dispatcher($reactor);

    try {
        // Invoke strlen('zanzibar') in a worker thread.
        // Yield the resulting Promise to avoid callback hell.
        $result = (yield $dispatcher->call('strlen', 'zanzibar!'));
        printf("Woot! strlen('zanzibar') === %d", $result);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        printf("Something went terribly wrong: %s\n", $e);
    } finally {
        // Stop the event loop so we don't sit around forever
        // after our result comes back

The above example outputs the following to our console:

Woot! strlen('zanzibar') === 8

Obviously, the strlen call here is a spurious use of threaded concurrency; remember that it only ever makes sense to dispatch work to a thread if the processing overhead of sending the call and receiving the result is outweighed by the time that would otherwise be spent waiting for the result. A more useful example demonstrates retrieving the contents of a filesystem resource:

(new Amp\NativeReactor)->run(function($reactor) {
    try {
        $dispatcher = new Amp\Thread\Dispatcher($reactor);
        $str = (yield $dispatcher->call('file_get_contents', '/path/to/file'));
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        printf("Something went terribly wrong: %s\n", $e->getMessage());
    } finally {

The above code retrieves the contents of the file at /path/to/file in a worker thread and dumps the result in our main thread upon completion.

Userland Functions

We aren't limited to native functions. The Amp\Thread\Dispatcher can also dispatch calls to userland functions ...

function myMultiply($x, $y) {
    return $x * $y;

(new Amp\NativeReactor)->run(function($reactor) {
    try {
        $dispatcher = new Amp\Thread\Dispatcher($reactor);
        var_dump(yield $dispatcher->call('myMultiply', 6, 7));
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        printf("Something went terribly wrong: %s\n", $e->getMessage());
    } finally {

The above code results in the following output:


Static Methods

The Dispatcher::call() method can accept any callable string, so we aren't limited to function names. We can also dispatch calls to static class methods:

class MyMultiplier {
    public static function multiply($x, $y) {
        return $x * $y;

Amp\run(function() {
    try {
        $dispatcher = new Amp\Thread\Dispatcher;
        var_dump(yield $dispatcher->call('MyMultiplier::multiply', 6, 7));
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        printf("Something went terribly wrong: %s\n", $e->getMessage());
    } finally {

The above code results in the following output:


IMPORTANT: In this example we've hardcoded the MyMultiplier class definition in the code. There is no class autoloading employed. There is no way for pecl/pthreads to inherit globally registered autoloaders from the main thread. If you require autoloading in your worker threads you MUST dispatch a Threaded task to define autoloader function(s) in your workers as demonstrated in the Class Autoloading section of this guide.

Magic Calls

Dispatchers take advantage of the magic __call() method to simplify calls to functions in the global namespace. Consider:

Amp\run(function() {
    try {
        $dispatcher = new Amp\Thread\Dispatcher;
        $fileHandle = (yield $dispatcher->fopen('/path/to/file', 'r'));
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        printf("Something went wrong: %s", $error->getMessage());
    } finally {

The above code opens a read-only file handle to the specified file and returns the result in our main thread upon completion.

Error Handling

You may have noticed that our examples to this point have not returned results directly. Instead, they return an instance of Amp\Promise. These monadic placeholder objects allow us to distinguish between successful execution results from our worker threads and errors. When using generators to yield control any exceptions encountered will be thrown back into the generator and must be caught or they will bubble up and crash our program.

Uncaught Exception


function myThrowingFunction() {
    throw new \RuntimeException('oh noes!!!');

Amp\run(function() {
    try {
        $dispatcher = new Amp\Thread\Dispatcher;
        var_dump(yield $dispatcher->myThrowingFunction());
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        printf("Function threw %s as expected: %s\n", get_class($e), $e->getMessage());
    } finally {

Fatal Error

In the following example we purposefully do something that will generate a fatal error in our worker thread. Our dispatcher seamlessly recovers from the fatal condition on its own; there is no need to restart the thread pool and our main thread reports the error as if it were a normal exception.


function myFatalFunction() {
    $nonexistentObject->nonexistentMethod(); // fatal

Amp\run(function() {
    try {
        $dispatcher = new Amp\Thread\Dispatcher;
        (yield $dispatcher->myFatalFunction());
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        printf("Function threw %s as expected: %s\n", get_class($e), $e->getMessage());
    } finally {

Parameters and Returns

While Amp tries as much as possible to hide the implementation details of the underlying pthreads extension, your parallel operations are still bound by the constraints and limitations of pthreads. The primary limitations arising from this condition center around the raw parameters and return values in your parallelized calls. The main thing you need to remember is:

IMPORTANT: All individual parameters and returns (with the exception of resources) will be serialized by pthreads for transport between the main thread and worker threads.

This condition cannot be overemphasized. The individual parameters MUST either be capable of surviving serialization or they MUST be resource primitives. There is one major pitfall with this constraint:

GOTCHYA: Be careful not to wrap resources inside arrays as the array will be serialized and the individual resource elements will not survive the trip over a thread boundary.

As long as you pass/return resource parameters directly (as opposed to wrapped inside arrays or objects) your parallel functions should "just work."

Task Timeouts

NOTE: Relying on timeouts is almost always a poor design decision. You're much better served to solve the underlying problem that causes slow execution in your dispatched calls/tasks.

Amp automatically times out tasks exceeding the (configurable) maximum allowed run-time. We can customize this setting as shown in the following example:


use Amp\Thread\Dispatcher;
use Amp\Thread\TimeoutException;

Amp\run(function() {
    $dispatcher = new Dispatcher;

    // Only use one worker so our thread pool acts like a FIFO job queue
    $dispatcher->setOption(Dispatcher::OPT_POOL_SIZE_MAX, 1);

    // Limit per-call execution time to 2 seconds
    $dispatcher->setOption(Dispatcher::OPT_TASK_TIMEOUT, 2);

    try {
        // This task will timeout after two seconds
        (yield $dispatcher->sleep(9999));
    } catch (TimeoutException $e) {
        printf("Our task timed out: %s\n", $e->getMessage());
    } finally {

Pool Size

You may have noticed that in the above timeout example we explicity set a max pool size option. The effect of this setting should be obvious: it controls how many worker threads we spawn to handle task dispatches. An example:


$reactor = new Amp\NativeReactor;
$dispatcher = new Amp\Thread\Dispatcher($reactor);
$dispatcher->setOption(Amp\Thread\Dispatcher::OPT_POOL_SIZE_MAX, 16);

By default the Amp\Thread\Dispatcher will only spawn a single worker thread. Each time a call is dispatched a new thread will be spawned if all existing workers in the pool are busy (subject to the configured max size). The default OPT_POOL_SIZE_MAX setting is 8. If no workers are available and the pool size is maxed calls are queued and dispatched as workers become available.

NOTE:: Idle worker threads are periodically unloaded to avoid holding open threads unnecessarily.

Dispatchers keep a minimum number of worker threads open at all times (even when idle). By default the minimum number of threads kept open is 1. This value may be changed as follows:


$reactor = new Amp\NativeReactor;
$dispatcher = new Amp\Thread\Dispatcher($reactor);
$dispatcher->setOption(Amp\Thread\Dispatcher::OPT_POOL_SIZE_MIN, 4);

Thread Execution Limits

In theory we shouldn't have to worry about sloppy code or extensions playing fast and loose with memory resources. However in the real world this may not always be an option. Amp makes provision for these scenarios by exposing a configurable limit setting to control how many dispatches a worker thread will accept before being respawned to clean up any outstanding garbage. If you wish to modify this setting simply set the relevant option:


use Amp\Thread\Dispatcher;
$dispatcher = Dispatcher;
$dispatcher->setOption(Dispatcher::OPT_EXEC_LIMIT, 1024); // 1024 is the default

Users who wish to remove the execution limit you may set the value to -1 as shown here:


use Amp\Thread\Dispatcher;
$dispatcher = Dispatcher;
$dispatcher->setOption(Dispatcher::OPT_EXEC_LIMIT, -1);

Pthreads Context Flags

Users can control the context inheritance mask used to start worker threads by setting thread start flags as shown here:


use Amp\Thread\Dispatcher;
$dispatcher = new Dispatcher;
$dispatcher->setOption(Dispatcher::OPT_THREAD_FLAGS, PTHREADS_INHERIT_NONE);

The full list of available flags can be found in the relevant pthreads documentation page.

Advanced Usage

Threaded Tasks

While Amp abstracts much of the underlying pthreads functionality there are times when low-level access is useful. For these scenarios Amp allows the specification of "tasks" extending pthreads Threaded. Threadeds allow users to specify arbitrary code in the main thread and use it for execution in worker threads.

NOTE: All Threaded classes MUST (per pthreads) specify the abstract Threaded::run() method. Your Threaded object's run() method is the routine that will execute in the worker thread. In order to avoid errors your Threaded::run() must call the worker thread's resolve() method as shown in the example below. This is how Amp knows what to return from the threaded task.

Instances of your custom Threaded may then be passed to the Dispatcher::execute() method for processing.

MyTask extends \Threaded {
    public function run() {
        $result = strlen('zanzibar');

        // Custom tasks must register their results using either
        // Amp\Thread\Thread::SUCCESS or Amp\Thread\Thread::FAILURE:
        $this->worker->resolve(Amp\Thread\Thread::SUCCESS, $result);

Amp\run(function() {
    try {
        $dispatcher = new Amp\Thread\Dispatcher;
        $len = (yield $dispatcher->execute(new MyTask)); // <-- our custom task
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        printf("Something went terribly wrong: %s\n", $e->getMessage());
    } finally {

Task Progress Updates

Because the Amp concurrency primitives support incremental progress updates we can expose this functionality in our custom Threaded tasks. In the same way we use the worker's resolve() method to indicate task completion we can use progress() to notify our main thread incrementally before the task actually completes. Below we show how to send/receive progress updates in our threaded tasks.


MyIncrementalTask extends \Threaded {
    public function run() {
        $this->worker->resolve(Amp\Thread::SUCCESS, 42);

$dispatcher = new Amp\Thread\Dispatcher;
$task = new MyIncrementalTask;
$promise = $dispatcher->execute($task);

// Watch for progress updates from our task
$promise->watch(function($updateData) {
    printf("Progress update: %s\n", $updateData);

// Wait for the final task result
printf("Final task result: %s\n", $promise->wait());

The above code will output the following:

Progress update: 1
Progress update: 2
Progress update: 3
Final task result: 42

Magic Task Dispatch

Dispatcher implementations delegate the magic __invoke function to the Dispatcher::execute() method. This provides a simple shortcut method for execute() calls:


class MyTask extends \Threaded {
    public function run() {
        // do something here

(new Amp\NativeReactor)->run(function($reactor) {
    $dispatcher = new Amp\Thread\Dispatcher($reactor);
    $promise = $dispatcher(new MyTask);
    $promise->when(function($error, $result) use ($reactor) {
        assert($error === null);
        assert($result === 8);

Class Autoloading and Composer

There is no way for pthreads workers to inherit global autoload settings. As a result, if calls or task executions require class autoloading users must make provisions to register autoload functions in workers prior to dispatching tasks. This presents the problem of re-registering these settings each time a worker thread is respawned. Amp resolves this issue by allowing applications to register Threaded tasks to send workers whenever they're spawned.

Consider the following example in which we define our own autoload task and register it for inclusion when workers are spawned:


class MyAutoloadTask extends \Threaded {
    public function run() {
        spl_autoload_register(function($class) {
            if (0 === strpos($class, 'MyNamespace\\')) {
                $class = str_replace('\\', '/', $class);
                $file = __DIR__ . "/src/$class.php";
                if (file_exists($file)) {
                    require $file;

$reactor = new Amp\NativeReactor;
$dispatcher = new Amp\Thread\Dispatcher($reactor);
$dispatcher->addStartTask(new MyAutoloadTask);

Now all our worker threads register class autoloaders prior to receiving tasks or calls. Note that "start tasks" are stored in an SplObjectStorage instance, so repeatedly adding the same instance will have no effect. After adding a start task you may also remove it in the future as shown here:

$myStartTask = new MyAutoloadTask;

$reactor = new Amp\NativeReactor;
$dispatcher = new Amp\Thread\Dispatcher($reactor);

// ... //



Using a generated autoloader from composer is no different from registering any other autoloader:


class MyComposerAutoloadTask extends \Threaded {
    public function run() {
        require '/path/to/vendor/autoload.php';

$dispatcher = new Amp\Thread\Dispatcher;
$dispatcher->addStartTask(new MyComposerAutoloadTask);

That's it!

Naive Wait Parallelization

Because threads use the Amp concurrency primitives library, users don't actually need any understanding of the underlying non-blocking event loop to execute Amp tasks in parallel. By calling wait() on any promise we can block code execution indefinitely until the promised value resolves:


try {
    $dispatcher = new Amp\Thread\Dispatcher;

    // Dispatch a threaded task
    $promise = $dispatcher->call('strlen', 'zanzibar');

    // Synchronously Block until the promise resolves
    $result = $promise->wait();

    var_dump($result); // int(8)

} catch (Exception $e) {
    printf("Something went wrong:\n\n%s\n", $e->getMessage());

Parallelization Combinators

We can parallelize mutliple threaded operations by using Amp combinators:


try {
    $dispatcher = new Amp\Thread\Dispatcher;

    $a = $dispatcher->call('sleep', 1);
    $b = $dispatcher->call('sleep', 1);
    $c = $dispatcher->call('sleep', 1);

    // Combine these three promises into a single promise that
    // resolves when all of the individual operations complete
    $comboPromise = Amp\all([$a, $b, $c]);

    // Our three sleep() operations will complete in one second
    // because they all run at the same time!

} catch (Exception $e) {
    printf("Something went wrong:\n\n%s\n", $e->getMessage());

Combinator return values are also easily accessible. Consider the following example where we list the individual results from our parallel calls:


function add($x, $y) {
    return $x + $y;

try {
    $dispatcher = new Amp\Thread\Dispatcher;

    $a = $dispatcher->call('add', 1, 2);
    $b = $dispatcher->call('add', 10, 32);
    $c = $dispatcher->call('add', 5, 7);

    // Combine these three promises into a single promise that
    // resolves when all of the individual operations complete
    $comboPromise = Amp\all([$a, $b, $c]);

    // Wait for the three parallel operations to complete
    list($a, $b, $c) = $comboPromise->wait();
    var_dump($a, $b, $c);


} catch (Exception $e) {
    printf("Something went wrong:\n\n%s\n", $e->getMessage());


An async multi-threaded task dispatcher built on the amp concurrency framework

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%