wozniak-michal / apex-logger-library

Library allowing logging and exposing log messages from Apex to Salesforce Admins improving debuggability of production environments.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Apex Logger

Library allowing logging and exposing logs from Apex to Salesforce Admins via custom object which results in improving debuggability of production environments.

Latest version: 0.0.4

Apex Logger Example Usage


  • single, standalone class with minimal logging overhead
  • ready to use permission set "Apex Logs User"
  • auto resolving of calling methods and classes (also nested, inner classes)
  • writing logs into the standard logs System.debug
  • logs batching
  • limits logging
  • removal of old logs
  • 4 logging levels out of the box (DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR)
NOTE: Apex Logger uses current transaction scope, which means if there will be unhandled error/exception, the whole transation will be rolled back along with issued logs. It does not apply to the standard System.debug logs.

Example Usage

public class AccountService {

	// creates logger instance
	private static final ApexLogger LOG = ApexLogger.create();
	public void createAccount(String name) {
		try {
		} catch (Exception e) {
			// logs directly into database
			LOG.debug('Unable to create user ' + name, e);

Class and methods names are automatically resolved and exception stacktrace included

Apex Logger Example Usage


// creates logger which is unbuffered and outputs standard logs if enabled in Apex Log Settings
ApexLogger log = ApexLogger.create();

// creates logger which is buffered and outputs standard logs if enabled in Apex Log Settings
ApexLogger log = ApexLogger.create(true);

// creates logger which is buffered and does write standard logs regardless of Apex Log Settings
ApexLogger log = ApexLogger.create(true, true);


LOG.debug('Just debug');
LOG.info('That is an info');
LOG.warn('You have been warned');
LOG.error('Wooops, an error occured');

LOG.log(ApexLogger.DEBUG, 'Just debug');
LOG.log(ApexLogger.INFO, 'That is an info');
LOG.log(ApexLogger.WARN, 'You have been warned');
LOG.log(ApexLogger.ERROR, 'Wooops, an error occured');
LOG.log('MY TAG', 'Yayyy logged my own tag!');

LOG.debug('Debug log');
LOG.debug('Debug log with exception', exception);
LOG.debug('Debug {0}', new Object[] { 'message' });
LOG.debug('Debug log with {0}', new Object[] { 'exception' }, exception);

LOG.log(ApexLogger.DEBUG, 'Debug log');
LOG.log(ApexLogger.DEBUG, exception);
LOG.log(ApexLogger.DEBUG, 'Debug log with exception', exception);
LOG.log(ApexLogger.DEBUG, 'Debug {0}', new Object[] { 'message' });
LOG.log(ApexLogger.DEBUG, 'Debug log with {0}', new Object[] { 'exception' }, exception);

// override class and method names
LOG.log(ApexLogger.DEBUG, 'FakeClass', 'FakeMethod', 'Explicit log');
LOG.log(ApexLogger.DEBUG, 'FakeClass', 'FakeMethod', exception);
LOG.log(ApexLogger.DEBUG, 'FakeClass', 'FakeMethod', 'Explicit log with exception', exception);
LOG.log(ApexLogger.DEBUG, 'FakeClass', 'FakeMethod', 'Explicit {0}', new Object[] { 'log' });
LOG.log(ApexLogger.DEBUG, 'FakeClass', 'FakeMethod', 'Explicit {0} with {1}', new Object[] { 'log', 'exception' }, exception);

Outputting System.debug logs

You can enable this behaviour by setting enabling checkbox in Output System Debug Logs in Apex Log Setting custom metadata.
This setting can be overridden by APEX statements from below:

// creates unbuffered logger which outputs standard logs
ApexLogger log = ApexLogger.create(false, true);

// enables standard logs output

// checks if logger outputs standard debug logs


Allows to log current execution usage/limits

// just log limits with no specified message

// log limits with custom message 
LOG.limits('Custom limit message:');

// log limits with custom message with parameters
LOG.limits('Custom limit {0}', new Object[] { 'message' });

Apex Logger Example Usage


// creates new batched instance of logger
ApexLogger LOG = ApexLogger.create(true);

// all subsequent log calls will be batched
LOG.debug('I will go to the batch first ;c');

// saves all batched logs to the database
// NOTE: flush will do nothing if logger is not batched!

Manual batching control

Manual batching controls overwrites configuration loaded from Apex Log Setting custom metadata.

// enables batching

// disables batching

// checks if logger is batched

Logs removal


// deletes all logs from org

// deletes all logs prior to datetime
LOG.deleteBeforeDate(Datetime.newInstance(2019, 06, 01));

// deletes all logs except 100 latest


Stacktrace is lost/malformed when using custom exceptions

Avoid using custom exceptions and wrapping common exceptions into custom exceptions. There is issue opened on Salesforce Success Platform with status No Fix - no reason given. https://success.salesforce.com/issues_view?id=a1p300000008dVIAAY



  • Added Apex Log Settings custom metadata - allows to adjust logger settings during runtime without need to deploy the code
  • Added standard system logging - optionally writes logs into the standard system logs System.debug - this behaviour can be explicitly enabled by setting second parameter to true ApexLogger.create(false, true) or calling log.setOutputtingSystemDebugLogs(true)
  • Changed flush behaviour, now it will save buffered logs even if the logger is not buffered.


  • Added limits method, allowing to log execution limits with optional message
  • Renamed methods/fields buffer to batch
  • Renamed method deleteAllLogs to deleteAll
  • Renamed method deleteLogsBefore to deleteBeforeDate
  • Renamed method deleteLogsToLimit to deleteToLimit
  • Minor fixes


  • Removed method getInstance, use create instead
  • Minor fixes


  • Initial version


Library allowing logging and exposing log messages from Apex to Salesforce Admins improving debuggability of production environments.

License:MIT License


Language:Apex 100.0%