wotamann / Firebase-IDX

Auto-Index makes Firebase searchable -DEPRECATED

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

###This Project is DEPRECATED! -> follow new project 'Firebase-IndexView'


####An AngularJs Modul for auto-indexing your Firebase.

####Search for any indexed Property of your Objects stored in Firebase

This is a 'quick and dirty' rapid prototyp, which should help to explore the opportunities of Firebase. A Database-Concept which is wonderful - Thanks to the Firebase Developer!

Sample Person Object

var person={
    lastname: "Smith",
    firstname: "Frank"
    email: "frank.smith@fb.com",
    adress: {
        street: 'Arlington Road 12',
        location: 'Seattle',
        state: 'US'

Declare a Textmapper Function

Converts your indexed Term into an uppercase/ lowercase/ or any searchable and sortable mappedTerm. This mappedTerm will become a priority in your dataset. For Details to Priority (https://www.firebase.com/docs/web/api/firebase/setpriority.html)

mappedTerm = textMapperFN(Term, textMapperArguments)

finally your dataset will looks like: mappedTerm -> Priority FirebaseKey -> Name Term -> Value

Function(term, textMapperArguments) {

... modify your term...;

return mappedTerm;


Sample textMapper Function

function upperCaseFN(term, textMapperArguments) {

    if(typeof term === 'object') return term[textMapperArguments];
	if(typeof term === 'string') return term.toUpperCase();
	//... convert your term in a priority you need for searching 
    return null;        

Declare an Index Array

Declare your Index Array for all the Properties of your Data, these Properties will be automatically indexed and you can query them

var indexOn = [
        index: 'lastname',
        textMapperFN: upperCaseFN,      // converts your indexed into an uppercase mappedTerm 
        index: 'firstname',
        textMapperFN: upperCaseFN         // search will be not case sensitiv
        index: 'adress',
        textMapperFN: upperCaseFN      // mappedTerm = textMapperFN(term, textMapperArguments)
        textMapperArguments: 'street'
        index: 'adress/street',
        textMapperFN: null                // no mapping wanted 

Reference your Data for indexing on Firebase

var refData = new Firebase("https://YourFirebaseAccount.firebaseio.com/persons");     

Reference your Index on Firebase

Set an Index-Reference as child of your Data-Reference is not allowed. But your Index can well be referenced to another Firebase Account

var refIndex = new Firebase("https://YourFirebaseAccount.firebaseio.com/IDX");        

Create an IndexObject

var FirebaseIdx=firebaseIndex(refPersons, indexOn, refIndex)

//	or

var FirebaseIdx=firebaseIndex(refData, indexOn); // take Default refIDX

//	or

var FirebaseIdx=new firebaseIndex(refData, indexOn [,refIDX]);

Activate Indexing

Use your Index-Object 'FirebaseIdx'

FirebaseIdx.indexOn() - start Indexing

FirebaseIdx.indexOff() - stop Indexing

FirebaseIdx.indexRecreate() - if your Index is corrupt or not updated then recreate your Index

FirebaseIdx.indexDelete() - delete the Index


That's it!

Every Access (Set, Update, Remove) to your Firebase 'refPersons' will automatically update your Index.

Try to add your 'Sample Person' to your Firebase refData

> refData.push(person); 

Try Searching:

var sortUp=true;
var valueFrom="S";
var valueTo=valueFrom +'\uFFFF';
var index=indexOn[0];  // { index: 'lastname', textMapper: upperCaseFN }  
//queryFromTo() return a Promise

FirebaseIdx.queryFromTo( index, valueFrom, valueTo, sortUp)
         ...use result...       

Quering Functions, return always a Promise. Try also

FirebaseIdx.queryFromTo(index, startAt, endAt, sort ).then(...);

FirebaseIdx.queryStartAt(index, startAt, limit, sort).then(...);

FirebaseIdx.queryEndAt(index, endAt, limit, sort).then(...);

FirebaseIdx.queryFirst(index, endAt).then(...) ;

FirebaseIdx.queryLast(index, endAt).then(...);

Using the Index

Methods of Index Object for handling Index

.indexOn() - start Indexing


.indexOff() - stop Indexing


.indexRecreate() - if your Index is corrupt, inconsistent or deleted then recreate your Index


.indexDelete() - delete all Index Data

> FirebaseIdx.indexDelete();


Auto-Index makes Firebase searchable -DEPRECATED



Language:JavaScript 92.7%Language:HTML 7.3%