woolm110 / click-score

Creation of dynamically generated images showing number of clicks for a given link in an email. Uses Mailchimp API

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Click Score

Create a dynamic image displaying a percentage of how many times a given link has been clicked. Uses the Mailchimp API

Getting started

  • Upload files to server
  • Create an API key on Mailchimp.com Instructions here


  • Add a unique linkID to any links in the email you wish to track. e.g. http://example.com?linkID=test-link-1
  • After your email has been broadcast go to the Mailchimp Playground and enter your API key
  • Click reports, find your recently broadcast email and click sub-resources > click details and locate the email ID at the top
  • Open config/tracking.json and create an object for your email campaign, give it a unique name and paste in the email ID
  • Open index.php and enter your API key. e.g new LinkClickToPercentage('API KEY GOES HERE')
  • Go to http://[SERVER_ADDR]/[CLICK_SCORE_FOLDER]/?emailName=[EMAIL_NAME]&linkId=[LINK_ID]to view the image. e.g. http://mydomain.com/click-score/?emailName=clickScoreTest&linkId=test-link-2


Any new style can be added to styles/styles.json. Create a new style and reference the name within config/tracking.json to use that style

Example uses

Create a dynamic poll within an email. Each time a link is clicked the image showing the click percentage will be updated next time the email is reloaded.


Creation of dynamically generated images showing number of clicks for a given link in an email. Uses Mailchimp API


Language:PHP 100.0%