woohle / go-darknet-1

Go bindings for Darknet (YOLO v3)

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go-darknet: Go bindings for Darknet

go-darknet is a Go package, which uses Cgo to enable Go applications to use YOLO in Darknet.

Since this repository https://github.com/gyonluks/go-darknet is no longer maintained I decided to move on and make little different bindings for Darknet.

This bindings aren't for official implementation but for AlexeyAB's fork.

Table of Contents


For proper codebase please use fork of darknet. Latest commit I've tested here

In order to use go-darknet, libdarknet.so should be available in one of the following locations:

  • /usr/lib
  • /usr/local/lib

Also, darknet.h should be available in one of the following locations:

  • /usr/include
  • /usr/local/include

To achieve it, after Darknet compilation (via make) execute following command:

sudo cp libdarknet.so /usr/lib/libdarknet.so && sudo cp include/darknet.h /usr/local/include/darknet.h

Note: do not forget to set LIBSO=1 in Makefile before executing 'make':



go get github.com/LdDl/go-darknet


Example Go program is provided in the example directory. Please refer to the code on how to use this Go package.

Building and running program:

Navigate to example folder

cd $GOPATH/github.com/LdDl/go-darknet/example

Download dataset (sample of image, coco.names, yolov3.cfg, yolov3.weights).


Note: you don't need coco.data file anymore, because sh-script above does insert coco.names into 'names' filed in yolov3.cfg file (so AlexeyAB's fork can deal with it properly) So last rows in yolov3.cfg file will look like:

mask = 0,1,2
anchors = 10,13,  16,30,  33,23,  30,61,  62,45,  59,119,  116,90,  156,198,  373,326
ignore_thresh = .7
truth_thresh = 1
names = coco.names # this is path to coco.names file

Build and run program

go build main.go && ./main --configFile=yolov3.cfg --weightsFile=yolov3.weights --imageFile=sample.jpg

Output should be something like this:

truck (7): 49.5197% | start point: (0,136) | end point: (85, 311)
car (2): 36.3747% | start point: (95,152) | end point: (186, 283)
truck (7): 48.4384% | start point: (95,152) | end point: (186, 283)
truck (7): 45.6590% | start point: (694,178) | end point: (798, 310)
car (2): 76.8379% | start point: (1,145) | end point: (84, 324)
truck (7): 25.5731% | start point: (107,89) | end point: (215, 263)
car (2): 99.8783% | start point: (511,185) | end point: (748, 328)
car (2): 99.8194% | start point: (261,189) | end point: (427, 322)
car (2): 99.6408% | start point: (426,197) | end point: (539, 311)
car (2): 74.5610% | start point: (692,186) | end point: (796, 316)
car (2): 72.8053% | start point: (388,206) | end point: (437, 276)
bicycle (1): 72.2932% | start point: (178,270) | end point: (268, 406)
person (0): 97.3026% | start point: (143,135) | end point: (268, 343)


See go-darknet's API documentation at GoDoc.


go-darknet follows Darknet's license.


Go bindings for Darknet (YOLO v3)


Language:Go 74.0%Language:C 22.0%Language:Shell 4.0%