wongwenlei / Xiami_To_Spotify

have problem to move thousand music from Xiami to spotify, this is an application that in purpose to move all muic to spotify

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



This is a project in purpose to enable user to transfer music from Xiami to Spotify.

The music get from Xiami -> my music 我的音乐 -> Spotify -> playlist -> From_Xiami (we create for you)



Knowing your

  • username
  • password


  • username (if your username if from facebook, or have space between, this app may not work for you, change it to one word)

  • Spotify Application Sign in with your spotify account image

  • Create Application (name whatever you want, I personally recommand 'Xiami_connection' for example) image

  • after you successfully create an application, you will see Client_id and Client_Secret, keep these two information, Us your owns image image

  • You will also see Redirect URIs after it, paste http://github.com/zhang435/Xiami_To_Spotify/ and click add and save

  • [ ]Now download the code.

  • At the bottom at main.py, replace information with you own information.

if __name__ == '__main__':
  • go to terminal (if you use window,make sure you install python2 first install, while if you are mac user, lucky you , python2 come with mac)

  • in terminal(in window, it is command line?)run pip install request pip install spotipy

  • Finally, in terminal run python main.py, if everything set up correctly, you should get a brower pop up on your computer, copy the link and paste it into terminal, then, just wait


Spotify API

Spotipy Python Package

spotipy Documentation

urllib using


xiami is poplar used in Chinese market, it is not surprise that there are many some that user have is in chinese name

Spotify does not have that a few Chinese song, but there most of them can be found "manually"

I blame this problem on the developer who collect song resouces, for example it has name for both Simplifed Chinese and traditional Chinese. but if you search with only simplfied , you may not find the song even it is actully there, same for traditional chinese. AND, some chinese singer are named in english....which is impossibel to search correctly

for me 900 are enable to pass 550, still need improve :)


have problem to move thousand music from Xiami to spotify, this is an application that in purpose to move all muic to spotify


Language:Python 100.0%