wolxXx / DoctrineFixturesModule

Integration between Zend Framework 2 and the Doctrine Fixtures library

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EwgoDoctrineFixtures module


The EwgoDoctrineFixtures module provides ZF2 integration with the Doctrine Fixtures library.


$ php composer.phar require ewgo/doctrine-fixtures-module

Add "EwgoDoctrineFixtures" to the list of loaded modules.


Add the paths to the fixtures in your modules configuration

    'doctrinefixtures' => array(
        'paths' => array(
            'MyModule' => __DIR__ . '/../src/MyModule/DataFixtures/ORM'


Create your fixture classes.
You can implement Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorAwareInterface in order to use the ServiceManager in your fixture class.
You can also directly extend EwgoDoctrineFixtures\Fixture\ServiceLocatorAwareAbstractFixture in order to get the benefits of both ServiceLocatorAwareInterface and AbstractFixture.

namespace MyModule\DataFixtures\ORM;

use EwgoDoctrineFixtures\Fixture\ServiceLocatorAwareAbstractFixture;
use Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectManager;
use MyModule\Entity\User;

class LoadUserData extends ServiceLocatorAwareAbstractFixture
    public function load(ObjectManager $manager)
        // Encode the password any way you want
        $password = $this->serviceLocator->get('MySuperEncoder')->encode('myAwesomePassword');

        $user = new User();

$ vendor/bin/doctrine-module fixtures:load

See the help (--help) for options.

For more information see the Doctrine Fixtures documentation.


Integration between Zend Framework 2 and the Doctrine Fixtures library


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